Guruji, what should a person do when death is approaching?
Guruji, what should a person do when death is approaching? When King Parikshit asked this question to Maharshi Shuka, he was told that chanting of the Lord’s name and singing His praises should be the last act of the dying man. So it is very clear that when death is approaching make the conditions conducive […]
Guruji, what happens to the soul of a person before and after death? How do prayers and good thoughts help the departed souls?
Guruji, what happens to the soul of a person before and after death? How do prayers and good thoughts help the departed souls? When a person is about to die, the soul or spirit contracts and withdraws into a state of slumber, just like that of an unborn baby in the mother’s womb. The dying […]
Guruji, sometimes I find that my meditation is very satisfying but at other times it is full of disturbances. Also, during the meditation session, I mostly experience pain or numbness in the legs. What should I do?
Guruji, sometimes I find that my meditation is very satisfying but at other times it is full of disturbances. Also, during the meditation session, I mostly experience pain or numbness in the legs. What should I do? Nowadays, even youngsters find it difficult to sit on the floor, since the general practice is to sit […]
Guruji On ‘Bramha Vidya’ and ‘Dharmic Living’ J ‘Brahma vidya’ is the ultimate knowledge leading to Self-realization. As you are aware, since over a decade our Ashram has been conducting ‘Brahma vidya’ sessions, annually. It is a practical guidance class, for facilitating the sadhak to live life in a peaceful, fulfilling and enriching manner. It […]
Guruji, I am quite content with my life, but I have often been told that one should cultivate yearning for God. How should I cultivate such a longing?
Guruji, I am quite content with my life, but I have often been told that one should cultivate yearning for God. How should I cultivate such a longing? We have taken birth on Earth in order to fulfil certain duties of ours. However, after taking birth we have forgotten our original parent – God, and […]