Guruji On Chalk Out Your Spiritual Path

Guruji On Chalk Out Your Spiritual Path India is a sacred land that has produced many Rishi-Munis and Enlightened Masters, who have led us, and guided us and also the entire world towards spiritual progress. Our ancient culture has been enriched by the spiritual, moral, and patriotic teachings of these shining ideals who have reached […]

Guruji, we have always taught our children to pray and be respectful towards all. But as they grow up, there are so many outside influences to battle. How can we tackle this situation?

Guruji, we have always taught our children to pray and be respectful towards all. But as they grow up, there are so many outside influences to battle. How can we tackle this situation? Parents are the role-models for children during their childhood, but during the teens and afterwards, it is difficult to keep your children […]

Guruji, I want to meditate but my husband is against it and does not engage in any of the spiritual practices that we both have learnt from you. What should I do to convince him that we must adhere to the spiritual discipline taught to us, and also about the importance of meditation?

Guruji, I want to meditate but my husband is against it and does not engage in any of the spiritual practices that we both have learnt from you. What should I do to convince him that we must adhere to the spiritual discipline taught to us, and also about the importance of meditation? When a […]

Guruji on ‘SHIVA & SHAKTI’ – Facets Of The Same Consciousness

Guruji on ‘SHIVA & SHAKTI’ – Facets Of The Same Consciousness Shiva represents the principles of Satyam-Shivam-Sundaram. He is the protector of souls, the One who saves the souls from lifetimes of pain and suffering. He is that facet of God that bestows us with consciousness, clarity and knowledge. While Shakti, His companion, is that […]