Guruji On The Path Of ‘SADHANA’

Guruji On The Path Of ‘SADHANA’ Everything on earth has a limited existence, everything perishes, nothing lasts forever. Kings and kingdoms have come and gone. Everything on earth is temporary, and also our problems. In every person’s lifetime, troubles keep cropping up, time and again. Man is constantly in search of that which is pleasant […]

Guruji, we always say Health is Wealth. But as we grow old, when it is most needed, our health deserts us. We have all kinds of small and big ailments, our body stops supporting us, as it used to. How can we overcome this situation especially while living in a polluted city like Mumbai?

Guruji, we always say Health is Wealth. But as we grow old, when it is most needed, our health deserts us. We have all kinds of small and big ailments, our body stops supporting us, as it used to. How can we overcome this situation especially while living in a polluted city like Mumbai? Yes, […]

Guruiji On Karma Yoga – The Path To Self-Realisation

Guruiji On Karma Yoga – The Path To Self-Realisation Human beings are naturally action-oriented, one way or the other. We work according to our individual capacity and requirements. We consider our work to be very important, no matter whatever be the nature of the work we do. We serve our near and dear ones, fulfill […]