Guruji On Spirituality Is The Only Way Forward

Guruji On Spirituality is The Only Way Forward Why do we fear the Covid-19 pandemic? It has been sent to Earth by Creation itself, to set right the wrongs we have done to Mother Earth. Let’s call it ‘Karuna Devi’, the female energy of this existence. It has come here out of compassion for mankind, […]

Guruji, how can one achieve everlasting peace and contentment?

Guruji, how can one achieve everlasting peace and contentment? To achieve everlasting peace, one must have firm faith in the existence of God and in the fact that each one of us is spiritually one with God. It is faith in God that will take one across all miseries of life. As a householder, you […]

Guruji, I have been following your teachings for a long time. I started coming to you at the advice of my friend, when I was experiencing some trouble in my daily life. Now, I love coming to the ashram, and so does my ten-year old daughter. What is the right age for children to enter into a spiritual life?

Guruji, I have been following your teachings for a long time. I started coming to you at the advice of my friend, when I was experiencing some trouble in my daily life. Now, I love coming to the ashram, and so does my ten-year old daughter. What is the right age for children to enter […]

Love And Respect Mother Earth

Love And Respect Mother Earth There is a crying need for love and respect towards Mother Earth for it is a magnified version of our own individual lives, in its varied life-forms. This pandemic has brought mankind to standstill. Now, when most parts of the world are in a state of lockdown, let us use […]