Guruji, please explain about Self-Enquiry and God-Realisation.

Guruji, please explain about Self-Enquiry and God-Realisation. On the path of spiritual progress, the first step for a sincere sadhaka to undertake is Self-Enquiry. It is through Self-enquiry that one paves the way towards God-realisation. Self-enquiry leads the sadhaka to seeking the Divine within the Self. You must have often heard the statement ‘you are […]

Guruji on the New Year 2023

Let us welcome this New Calendar Year – 2023 – a year filled with the promise of Love, Peace and Harmony – for every being on mother Earth. Loka Samastha Sukhino Bhavantu, Sarve Jana Sukhino Bhavanthu. Asato Ma Sat Gamaya, Tamaso Ma Jyothir Gamaya, Mrutyor Ma Amritam Gamaya. As we chant this sacred mantra, we […]

Guruji, when we read our scriptures, we find that everything we come across is unreal, only God is real and that we must understand this statement by ourselves. Please explain how to understand.

Guruji, when we read our scriptures, we find one and the same thing in all of them, that everything we come across is unreal, only God is real and that we must understand this statement by ourselves. Please explain how to understand. You have been reading the scriptures which tell you that only God is […]

Guruji, I am finding it increasingly difficult to live in this false world. I want to practice integrity in all aspects of life. What should I do to maintain my integrity under all circumstances?

Guruji, I am finding it increasingly difficult to live in this false world. I want to practice integrity in all aspects of life, but it becomes so difficult in the commercial world where there is so much of expectation, demands, lies and deceit. What should I do to maintain my integrity under all circumstances? You […]