Guruji, if our purpose on earth is to have Self-realisation, does that mean we must give up everything in life?
Guruji, if the purpose for which we have come here on earth is to have Self-realisation,Then does that mean that we must give up everything in life? Yes, every one of us who have taken birth on earth, have come with the final purpose of realising the Self, that is true, but it is not […]
Guruji, what exactly is OM? What does it signify?
Guruji, what exactly is OM? What does it signify? Mandukya Upanishad tells us … “Only OM exists, and in it is included the Past, Present and Future. OM is beyond time. OM is the Atma, the Brahman.” OM or AUM is pure consciousness. It the original source of all that which is manifested in the […]
Guruji, what happens when we die of Old Age? Where do we go?
Guruji, what happens when we die of Old Age? Where do we go? First of all, it is important to understand as to what is death; and for that, you must at first try to find out as to who it is that was born, who it is that is living now, and who it […]
Guruji, how can I cultivate unwavering faith in my Guru? Please help me to become steadfast in my faith in God and Guru.
Guruji, how can I cultivate unwavering faith in my Guru? There are times when I feel that my faith in my Guru is unshakeable, but then a small doubt starts creeping in, and slowly, my foundation of faith weakens. Please help me to become steadfast in my faith in God and Guru. This is a […]
Guruji, is God’s grace and blessings one and the same? Please explain when and how will a devotee earn God’s grace?
Guruji, is God’s grace and blessings one and the same? Please explain when and how will a devotee earn God’s grace? Grace is something unique. It is different from blessings. Blessings can be given by human beings also, but grace happens only through the Divine. Grace is bestowed only through God and Guru. It is […]