Guruji on ‘SHIVA & SHAKTI’ – Facets Of The Same Consciousness

Guruji on ‘SHIVA & SHAKTI’ – Facets Of The Same Consciousness Shiva represents the principles of Satyam-Shivam-Sundaram. He is the protector of souls, the One who saves the souls from lifetimes of pain and suffering. He is that facet of God that bestows us with consciousness, clarity and knowledge. While Shakti, His companion, is that […]


Guruji On ‘Bramha Vidya’ and ‘Dharmic Living’ J ‘Brahma vidya’ is the ultimate knowledge leading to Self-realization. As you are aware, since over a decade our Ashram has been conducting ‘Brahma vidya’ sessions, annually. It is a practical guidance class, for facilitating the sadhak to live life in a peaceful, fulfilling and enriching manner. It […]

Guruji On Love And Meditation

Guruji On Love And Meditation Love is God and God is Love. There is no quality that can be higher than Love, no treasure more precious than Love, no power greater than Love. This world has been created from Love, its very existence is based on Love, and finally it will dissolve in Love. In […]

Guruji On True Disciple

Guruji On True Disciple Human birth, faith in God, and finding one’s Guru – happen only through the grace of God. Today, just as it is difficult to find a true Guru, so also is it difficult to find a true disciple. It is only through the grace of Guru’ that Vedic knowledge, knowledge of […]

Guruji On Meditation Is Purifying And Healing

Guruji On Meditation Is Purifying And Healing Most of us remain unaware of the reason or purpose of our earthly existence. As human beings, we enjoy certain common factors, though we may be born into different social circles. We eat, drink, play, enjoy, suffer, get married, beget children, construct, destruct, grow old, and then finally […]