Guruji on Paramatman

Union of Jeevatman with the Supreme Power – Paramatman Jeevatman exists in every life in the universe. Science calls it ‘Cosmic Energy’. It is filled throughout the universe without leaving an iota of blank space. Yet man believes that God is somewhere above him in the far…. far… dimension beyond the stars and galaxies. Human […]

Guruji on Being Attentive to Life

Guruji on Being Attentive to Life Living spiritually means living attentive from moment to moment. Be mindful of every action, right from the time of waking up until when you go off to sleep. Many a time you may find yourself rushing through life without being conscious of the present. There may be times when […]

Guruji On Spirituality Is The Only Way Forward

Guruji On Spirituality is The Only Way Forward Why do we fear the Covid-19 pandemic? It has been sent to Earth by Creation itself, to set right the wrongs we have done to Mother Earth. Let’s call it ‘Karuna Devi’, the female energy of this existence. It has come here out of compassion for mankind, […]

Love And Respect Mother Earth

Love And Respect Mother Earth There is a crying need for love and respect towards Mother Earth for it is a magnified version of our own individual lives, in its varied life-forms. This pandemic has brought mankind to standstill. Now, when most parts of the world are in a state of lockdown, let us use […]

Guruji On Do Not Be Afraid Of Death

Guruji On Do Not Be Afraid Of Death Birth and death are but the beginning and end of this life upon earth. We are all aware that we have taken birth here in order to live our lives in whatever manner possible, given the circumstances we are placed in. We have seen the happening and […]