Cow Urine Treatment

The benefits of cow urine treatment for health care are well defined and applied in Ayurveda, the age old Indian medicinal system. In India cow is considered as “Kamadhenu”, since the dawn of Hindu civilization and probably represent the oldest domesticated animal by the Indians. Even today, this is the most popular domestic animal gifting wide range of products to man. The cow urine was used as one of the ingredients in a wide range of ayurvedic medicinal formulations and as a purifying agent of human body and soul before the commencement of any Hindu ritual. During the recent years, a colossal revival of cow urine medicine has occurred through the concept of Cowpathy, one of the modern variant of Ayurveda, dedicated for new inventions and innovations on cow urine treatment.
Cowpathy is making big waves in terms of popularity, effectiveness, and demand and has been bringing a big change in health care system. The major advantages of cow urine treatment are its eco-friendly nature, easy accessibility, and cheaper pricing. However, marginal levels of side effects are also reported from some users. The known cow urine side effects include fatigue, itching of the skin, body pain, diarrhea, shoulder pain, fever, etc. The side effects may be seen lasting for three to seven days and even up to six months in rare cases. Another important risk factor of cow urine medicine is the transmission of infectious pathogens from affected cows.
Cow urine treatment has centuries of history in the Indian culture and is widely used as a tonic for general health apart from its formulations for specific diseases. The cow urine is known to possess detoxifying and immunomodulant activities which contribute to its magical healing powers. Cow urine is used in preventive medicine, supplementary medicine and also as an immunomodulatory agent. Cow urine is used in raw form or as distillate (Gou Arka). For all safety reasons, formal Ayurveda recommends the use of distilled cow urine for oral intake. Raw cow urine if used for oral intake, it should be fresh and within 10 to 15 minutes of collection from the cow. Generally, the cow urine is collected in the morning and while collecting the early and last part of the urine discharged are not collected and only the middle part of the discharge is collected and used. Storing of raw cow urine beyond one hour is not advisable. But the distilled cow urine can be stored up to two months in air tight containers.
The recommended dose of distilled cow urine for oral intake starts from 3 to 4 drops once or twice a day initially and then enhanced to one spoon twice in a day after one week. The duration of cow urine medication needs to be followed in consultation with a health practitioner or a doctor. Depending on the type of illness, duration of cow urine treatment varies between few days to few months. For example, treatment of stomach problem may recover 2 to 3 days only, while treatment of chronic inflammation or obesity may extend up to few months. The cow urine is advised as a supplementary medicine in Ayurveda along with the medicines for treating anemia, abdominal lump and worm infestation in the digestive tract. Different modes of application of cow urine are followed in Ayurveda such as topical and oral formulations.
The health benefits of cow urine endorsed by Ayurveda include treatment of the digestive disorders, stomach pain, constipation, intestinal worms; skin disorders such as Leucoderma, Psoriasis, Dermatitis, etc; treatment of anemia, obesity, cancer, and diabetes. In addition to these Ayurveda recommends cow urine treatment for boosting the general health and intellect. The modern Cowpathy practitioners further diversified the application of cow urine medicine to the treatment of a quite large number of clinical conditions. The antibacterial and antiviral properties of cow urine discovered during the recent past have diversified its clinical applications and elevated the demand for this product.
Today Cowpathy enjoys pan-India network with lakhs of users and success stories of healing of various diseases and disorders. The medicinal superiority of the urine of Indian cow breeds with those of cows of other parts of the world has established scientifically and this has enhanced the demand as well as the price of Indian cow urine to greater heights during the last decade or so. The Indian cow urine exports have turned into multi crore business. This is a heartening fact as the humble cow urine and cow farmers get their due credit and really able to make a difference in the lives of lakhs of patients across the world.
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