Guruji, can we have a vision of God? I have been trying so hard to have at least a glimpse of God.
Guruji, can we have a vision of God? I have been trying so hard to have at least a glimpse of God. If there is inner purity, then one can have the vision of God. Now, despite trying so hard you are unable to see God because of some latent impurity in you. Man is […]
Guruji, can I be ambitious, competitive, and still be happy?
Guruji, can I be ambitious, competitive, and still be happy? Inner happiness is something that happens automatically. We live in a competitive world, and children are taught this way right from school days. Children are generally happy, but we make them unhappy by teaching them to be competitive, to excel in their studies, games, art, […]
Guruji, how can we be involved only with ourselves and our happiness, when there are hundreds and thousands of people living in poverty and misery?
Guruji, how can we be involved only with ourselves and our happiness, when there are hundreds and thousands of people living in poverty and misery? Yes, it is true that there are hundreds and thousands of people living in poverty and misery. Almost every person living on earth has some problem or the other. But […]
Guruji, how can we be involved only with ourselves and our happiness, when there are hundreds and thousands of people living in poverty and misery?
Guruji, how can we be involved only with ourselves and our happiness, when there are hundreds and thousands of people living in poverty and misery? Yes, it is true that there are hundreds and thousands of people living in poverty and misery. Almost every person living on earth has some problem or the other. But […]
Guruji, how can we be involved only with ourselves and our happiness, when there are hundreds and thousands of people living in poverty and misery?
Guruji, how can we be involved only with ourselves and our happiness, when there are hundreds and thousands of people living in poverty and misery? Yes, it is true that there are hundreds and thousands of people living in poverty and misery. Almost every person living on earth has some problem or the other. But […]