Tharparkar – Pure Indian Cow Breed

Tharparkar Breed

Tharparkar is a pure Indian cow breed with its origin in Sind province of current Pakistan. The name is derived from the Thar desert of Rajasthan close to its native place. it is known by other names like White Sindhi, Grey Sindhi, and Thari. The breeding territory of this cow breed is stretching across Gujarat and Rajasthan comprising Kutchchh district of Gujarat and Barmer, Jaisalmer, and Jodhpur districts of Rajasthan. These  cows are medium sized with white to grey shades of coat color. Colour is darker in the face and the extremities.

Dairy Cow

It is one of the pure Indian cow breeds recognized for the high range of milk production.Milk production per lactation ranges between average yield of 1749 kilograms per lactation (ranging from 913 to 2147 Kg per lactation with an average yield of 1749 kilograms per lactation. Daily milk production ranges from 8 to 10 Kg. The milk produced by this breed is the A2 type known for its superiority in terms of nutritional potential. A2 milk has been described as nature’s perfect food”, comprising essential nutrients including carbohydrates, proteins, and micronutrients of high nutritional values which help in improving the immune capabilities of the people.

Benefits of Tharparkar

Tharparkar breed can withstand long duration of drought feeding on sewan grass, a bushy vegetation available in the grazing fields of these cows during the long dry seasons.  The most beneficial feature of this pure Indian cow breed is its capacity to produce a moderate level of milk even under fodder scarcity. In addition, Tharparkar cows possess resistance against many of the common pathogens and diseases and  high level of endurance to heat which makes them one of the best breed of Indian cows. Because of these qualities, This breed is used for raising cross breed called “Karan Fries” at the National Dairy Research Institute.

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