
The sages call the highest form of Parabrahmaas – Paramashiva. This form is ‘Nishkala’ (highly pure). In Paramashiva, there are no individual entities like Shive (Parvati) and Shiva; only ‘One’ exists. Parvati, as Shakti, is the inner consciousness of Shiva. Just as the water mixed with milk cannot be distinguished from milk, so also in Paramashiva, Shakti or Parvati cannot be differentiated from Shiva, as she has no separate identity. In such a state there is no duality.
Shakti is inseparable from Shiva and both are embedded within Paramashiva. The entire universe is within this one entity, the Paramashiva. Also, the entire creation is an embodiment of Paramashiva. The universe and Paramashiva are indistinguishable too. It is not possible to see the power and the energy vibrations within Paramashiva, nor is it possible to identify them as individual entities.
It is said that only a yogi who is in Samadhi (thoughtless) state of Dhyana (meditation) can understand or experience the totality of this principle. Our ancient Sages, who were established in the super-consciousness, having crossed the state of Turiya, could understand and experience this principle of Paramashiva.
The inner consciousness energy of Paramashiva is Shive(Parvati). Paramashiva is shoonya (nothingness). Paramashiva is Nishkala Shiva, Shoonya Shiva. Shive (Parvati) emerges from this Paramashiva, travels through life in this universe, causing creation and its existence. After completing the cycle of creation, she returns and merges with Paramashiva as inner consciousness energy. Everything is Shivamaya (wholly and solely Shiva). It is only through the ‘Antharang’ or ‘power of inner consciousness” that Paramashiva’s state of being can be understood.
In Chandogya Upanishad, Prana (life) is addressed as “Pranabrahma’ which is the source of ‘SamyuktaBindu’. Prana, Maya and Shakti exist as One within the Pranabrahma. The significance of the verse, “OmkaraBinduSamyuktam” is known when the union of Shiva and Shakti is experienced, and one achieves the stage of “Asamprajnyata Samadhi” – a totally aware yet no-mind state. This is a state of total harmony as well as emptiness.
Creation is the harmony of Purusha Shakti and Kundalini Shakti. Prana Shakti that flows out of this Bindu is the reason for all creation. It is embedded with three Gunas:
Satvaguna (quality of purity):characterised by wisdom, intelligence, discipline, truth, forgiveness, sacrifice, etc. It enables the transformation of a human being towards anelevated spiritual existence.
Rajasguna (quality of activity): characterised by a life of courage, struggle, desires, aspirations, etc. It enables success in the material world, but does not allow spiritual transformation.
Tamasguna (quality of ignorance): characterised by selfishness, anger, hatred, greed, attachment, pride, jealousy, etc. These elements work towards retarding the progress of man and do not even allow a glimpse into man’s spiritual capabilities.
Maya (illusion) has firmly established itself with the consciousness of all these gunas (qualities). Maya exists only in creation. In the highly exalted stagewhere both the prana (life-energy) and the mind merge with wisdom and become one unified point, specific energy waves are emitted. The movement of life and energy begins from here with a celebration of the overflow of the Parvati Shakti or Kundalini Shakti.
The first wave of sound that emerged from the point of Paramashiva, is Omkar or Nada (sound). A meditator’s ‘Nadabindu’ constantly emits energy waves. The waves of this Nadabindu is Omkar, in the form of music and mantra. A mantra has swara (notes of music), raga (composition of swaras), tala (rythym) and laya (harmony). Kundalini being a manifestation of mantra, is attracted by the mantra of the Nadabindu. The subtle body of the Kundalini consists of an active energy like that of a serpent. This is the completePrakriti Shakti (Kinetic energy) manifestation. This serpent power receives the positive waves of Purusha Shakti from Gurudeeksha.
When awakening the Kundalini Shakti, the Guru merges his voice with his Nadabindu, and transmits the ‘deeksha-mantra’ to the disciple. The Kundalini of a disciple who is anxiously awaiting ‘deeksha’, is highly receptive tothe energy sent by the Guru.The mind and intellect are reduced to ‘shoonya’ and disciple experiences bliss.Kundalini Shakti that exists in every life is the only energy ruling the world.
When this Shakti awakens and is controllable, then grace of God and Guru is received, and the meditator automatically progresses on the path of spirituality.
Kundalini Beejamantra Dhyana is one of the most appropriate methods for progress in the path of spirituality.As one chants the Beejamantra regularly, the spiritual progress happens rapidly. Kundalini Shakti awakening reveals the very purpose of human existence.
For every person who leads a worldly existence and desires a life of peace and contentment, it is important to engage in such spiritual practices, for at least twenty minutes each day. Slowly, it will be observed that peace and contentment sets into every facet of one’s life and one starts leading a fulfilled life on earth.
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