Kapila Cow Breed

India is blessed with a high level of diversity in every domain including biodiversity. The biodiversity of Indian cow breeds is quite large with existing 40 races in different parts of the country. Kapila cow is an exceptional breed of Indian cows native to Dakshina Karnataka and Kasaragod. This breed got its name from the Great Sage, Kapila Maharshi, who used to rear them according to the Hindu mythology. Kapila cow represents the esteemed breed in terms of spiritual value and products of this breed are considered as the holiest among all cow products for rituals. Golden Kapila is a variant of the Kapila breed and considered as the most revered cow for worship. Theses cows possess golden hide of shining texture, golden eyes, and nose. Temples like the Tirupati Thirumala use milk of Kapila cow for the daily abhishekam of Lord Sri Venkateshwara. In its native place, Kapila cow is domesticated by Brahmins since centuries.
These cows are small in stature with an average height of about 83 cm. Kapila cow produces less milk, maximum of 1.5 Liter per day. But the milk of this breed is known to possess A2 type of ß casein (classified as A2 type milk), capable of preventing or avoiding many growth disorders such as autism and other diseases like type-1 diabetes, certain heart disorders, and irritable bowel syndrome. This milk also is known to provide a higher level of healing properties against many diseases. This breed is highly resistant to most of the diseases affecting cattle. In addition to the milk, horns of the Kapila cow also have medicinal properties. A substance termed “Go-rochana”, present in the horns of Kapila cow is said to possess rare medicinal qualities according to ancient literature and traditional healers. Surprisingly, Mother Nature made it easy to harvest the horns of Kapila cows, as these cows voluntarily shed their horns annually!
Despite all these values, the Kapila breed population and domestication are in a declining trend today due to the urbanization, vanishing pasture lands, the introduction of modern high yielding cow breeds and their promotion through the Animal Husbandry Department, cross-breeding with other high milk producing breeds, etc. Considering the superior qualities of the milk of Kapila cow, and its population decline, there is an immediate need to conserve and propagate this precious race of cow for the future. The sincere effort made by few organizations like the Om Prakruthi Dhama Trust, Mangaluru, Sree Ramachandrapura Mutt, Shimoga, Sri Shaktidarshan Yogashram, Kinnigoli, etc. deserve the highest level of honor for the conservation and propagation of this precious cow breed. We are proud to have a dedicated research center for Kapila cow called Kapila Cattle Research Center, at Meenavada, near Anand, Gujarat. Let us hope for the best outcomes on the research and development as well as propagation of this breed during the coming years and healthy life for all..
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