Kapila - Best Cow Breed

India has a rich resource of cow breeds and cows used to be an inherent part of Indian culture, since ancient time. Cow-rearing, worship, and use of cow products in daily life were part of traditional Indian lifestyle throughout India from Kashmir to Kanyakumari. The best cow breeds of the world are of Indian origin. Kapila, one of the native breeds of Southern Karnataka known for its small size and spiritual elegance is considered as the best cow breed. This breed is the most revered cow for worship and raised for the use of its products in Havanas, Poojas and other religious activities. Most of the village temples also used to keep Kapila cows for their milk and other products for daily rituals of the temples and offerings to the temple deities. All Brahmin families of South Karnataka and Kasaragod used to maintain at least one milking Kapila cow throughout the year for use in daily rituals and feeding milk to the young kids.
Why is Kapila considered the best cow breed ?
Raising and maintenance of Kapila cows are less labour-intensive and highly economical. According to some reports, Kapila has been recommended as the best cow breed for the so-called “zero-budget farming”, as this cow breed can survive on jungle forage and minimal additional fodder. There is a popular belief among the village-folk that Kapila cows have a wise eating habit and capable of avoiding unhealthy food materials either among plants or plant products. Since the food of Kapila breed comprises highly diverse forest flora, including many of the medicinal plants in the wild, the milk produced by these cows naturally possess a high level of medicinal properties and healing abilities. Because of its small stature, Kapila bulls and cows can easily eat small sized grass, plants etc. which is very nutritious. This nutrition naturally passed on to its milk, dung and urine. Therefore, Ayurveda practitioners also prefer the products of this cow for preparation of medicinal formulations. The zero-budget farming is picking momentum during recent times and several organizations and individuals also opting for this cow breed for dairy and farming, even though milk production is less. Accordingly, there is high demand for Kapila cows in the market during recent times.
One more reason for the demand for Kapila is the realization of the richness of the quality of the milk of this cow breed over the others. The β2 form of casein, the principal milk protein present in the milk (classified as the A2 type of milk) of this breed makes it the best cow breed. The β2 Casein is characterized by the presence of an amino acid Proline, which makes it a boon in preventing Type 2 diabetes and food allergy towards milk and milk products. The whole phenomenon is based on the process of milk digestion. Digestion of β1 casein (present in the A1 type of milk) leads to the production of a small protein called β Casomorphin – 7 (BCM 7), which in turn impairs the whole digestion and assimilation processes of human beings. Different isolated studies have linked the BCM-7 protein with various disorders like diabetes, irritable bowel disorder, heart diseases, neuromotor disorders, etc. However, more scientific evidence needs to be generated for proving the association of these different diseases and abnormalities with the BCM-7 protein.
Kapila and Household
A sense of loss haunts my mind while writing this article, as I remember the herds of Kapila cows in our cowshed during the 1970s. I still have the memory of my Mom tendering some of them with homemade medicines to treat the bleeding horn base when they return home after the days grazing in the open fields.
She used to explain us the phenomenon of the shedding of the horn and its regeneration in these cows. When they shed the horn, bleeding can be seen at the horn base for some time. The tender new horn can often be visibIndia has a rich resource of cow breeds and cows used to be an inherent part of Indian culture, since ancient time. Cow-rearing, worship, and use of cow products in daily life were part of traditional Indian lifestyle throughout India from Kashmir to Kanyakumari. Most of the best cow breeds of the world are of Indian origin. Kapila, one of the native breeds of Southern Karnataka known for its small size and spiritual elegance is considered as the best cow breed. This breed is the most revered cow for worship and raised for the use of its products in Havanas, Poojas and other religious activities. Most of the village temples also used to keep Kapila cows for their milk and other products for daily rituals of the temples and offerings to the temple deities. All Brahmin families of South Karnataka and Kasaragod used to maintain at least one milking Kapila cow throughout the year for use in daily rituals and feeding milk to the young kids.
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