Hair Treatment using Cow Urine

Hair Loss a major Health Issue

Hair loss is a universal problem among people, affecting both men and women. But the problem is more among men. Prevention, as well as a cure for hair loss, is turning out to be a more common need among people. Hair loss can be due to baldness, certain infections, chemotherapy, malnutrition, overstress, etc. Whatever be the root cause of hair loss, it induces a lot of mental and emotional stress among the people. So it’s a two-way process as stress induces hair loss and vice versa!

There are plenty of ways to prevent and treat hair loss and even regenerate lost hair. But the extent of success is unpredictable as it is a complex process and influenced by multiple factors. Alternative medicines like the Ayurveda, Unani, Homeopathy, etc. offer a solution for hair loss. Hair treatment using cow urine is the latest entry in the list of medications for hair loss.

In India, DD Singhal, is the pioneer to promote the hair treatment using cow urine for preventing and minimizing hair loss and even restoring the lost hair. According to Cowpathy, fresh urine of virgin cow is highly therapeutic in nature and capable of addressing a wide range of health issues including hair loss.

The Science behind Hair Treatment using Cow Urine

Cow urine is an effective disinfectant. This is a proven fact with modern research and scientific evidence supported by patents. Because of this reason, it is used for treating dandruff, scalp infections and many other infectious diseases effectively. Another proven healing property of cow urine is its antioxidant effect, which has got the endorsement by the US patent. This is a highly powerful healing element in cow urine which sets right damaged and non-functional tissues.  Therefore, cow urine casts a rejuvenating effect on various organs and tissues, including the skin. Revitalization of the liver is a classic example for the rejuvenation effect achieved by cow urine therapy. As per the case studies of the Healthcare Foundation of India, one of the leading organizations contributing to the Cowpathy movement, cow urine  therapy is a highly effective choice  for curing almost all types of liver disorders like Jaundice, all five types of Hepatitis, Hepatomegaly, Splenomegaly, Liver Failure, Chronic Viral Hepatitis, Fatty Liver, Liver Abscesses, etc.

Hair-care products are a relatively new range of Cowpathy products entered the market recently with a firm footing. The antioxidant property of cow urine makes it successful in reviving the hair follicle and rejuvenating the health of the hair. Shampoos, hair conditioners, hair oils, etc. include among the commercial Cowpathy products used for hair care. Many brands of these products are available among the top brands of Cowpathy manufacturers. Deodorizing the cow urine is the most important task before venturing into the production of Cowpathy products.

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