Guruji on Youth and Spirituality

It is important for the youth to understand that human life is very rare and should not be wasted away in reckless living. The best period of one’s life is between the sixteenth and the thirtieth year. This is the time when the body has the highest capacity for work, and the mind is naturally full of positivity, enthusiasm, will-power, and self-confidence. This is also the time when one can naturally ‘tune in’ to the spiritual aspect of one’s nature.
We must use our inner resources, in order to maintain our physical, mental and spiritual health. Our ancient sages were well aware of the various levels on which a human being suffers. It is necessary that the youth of today, pays due attention to their physical, mental and spiritual levels. All human beings have the inner potential to be healthy and happy. Always keep in mind that the final goal of human life is to realise God to realise Self.
If one wastes away the prime time of life, in living recklessly eating, sleeping, working without proper discipline, giving utmost importance to sense pleasures, then life will pass by without any fruitful achievement. The end result would be depression, dis-satisfaction and misery. The best remedy for depression is forgetting the self and serving others. Antidepressants only give temporary solutions. Today’s generation is very prone to depression and related ailments. When you feel depressed, just engage yourself in some service-oriented activities. This therapy works on every cell in your system, and brings you back to normalcy.
Do not think that youth is the time for indulging in the pleasures of material life, while old-age is the time for spirituality. On the contrary, it is during the youth that one has to get acquainted with necessary spiritual practices, and to adapt to a balanced material and spiritual life. The youngsters of today have a tendency to ape the so-called progressive Western culture. They seem to have no hesitation in engaging themselves in various self-destructive habits such as drinking, smoking, drug-consumption, etc., and all in the name of being modern.
Ours is a country with a rich spiritual and cultural base. It is high time that our youth reverted to their rich, ancient and progressive principles. As a youngster, if you have spent your prime time in wasteful living, then when old age sets in, even if your mind and spirit be willing, you will find that your body is unable to support you. Sometimes, the body may be strong but the mind may fall prey to mental ailments. At such times, it would not be very easy to take up spiritual practices. Therefore, practice moderation in every aspect of life.
Worldly objects may seem pleasurable as long as they last, but later they may become the very source of pain and troubles. Life is a fertile field and has to be cultivated properly. No action, or thought or energy is lost in this Universe. At some time or the other, in this very life or another life, and in known or unknown ways, it will definitely bear fruit. It is important to start contemplating upon one’s actions, right now. If you desire the best, then follow the path of righteousness.
A regular practice of sitting still and concentrating upon one’s inner self is necessary. As time goes by, you will find yourself turning away from any erratic living that you have been used to. Regular practise of meditation or ‘kriya yoga’ or some such spiritual practice, will bring about wonderful results in life. As one advances on the path of spirituality, the grace of God will be experienced at every stage of life.
Meditation can be practised at all times, and in all circumstances. Meditate with your eyes closed. Concentrate on your “anahata chakra” (heart centre). Visualise that your heart centre is filled with love and compassion. Develop inner strength through the practice of spirituality, and achieve true success in all aspects of life. The yoga practices laid out in our ancient scriptures, are not just physical exercises. They are meant to develop the physical, mental and spiritual aspectIt is important for the youth to understand that human life is very rare and should not be wasted away in reckless living. The best period of one’s life is between the sixteenth and the thirtieth year. This is the time when the body has the highest capacity for work, and the mind is naturally full of positivity, enthusiasm, will-power, and self-confidence. This is also the time when one can naturally ‘tune in’ to the spiritual aspect of one’s nature.
We must use our inner resources, in order to maintain our physical, mental and spiritual health. Our ancient sages were well aware of the various levels on which a human being suffers. It is necessary that the youth of today, pays due attention to their physical, mental and spiritual levels. All human beings have the inner potential to be healthy and happy. Always keep in mind that the final goal of human life is to realise God – to realise Self.
If one wastes away the prime time of life, in living recklessly – eating, sleeping, working – without proper discipline, giving utmost importance to sense pleasures, then life will pass by without any fruitful achievement. The end result would be depression, dis-satisfaction and misery. The best remedy for depression is forgetting the self and serving others. Antidepressants only give temporary solutions. Today’s generation is very prone to depression and related ailments. When you feel depressed, just engage yourself in some service-oriented activities. This therapy works on every cell in your system, and brings you back to normalcy.
Do not think that youth is the time for indulging in the pleasures of material life, while old-age is the time for spirituality. On the contrary, it is during the youth that one has to get acquainted with necessary spiritual practices, and to adapt to a balanced material and spiritual life. The youngsters of today have a tendency to ape the so-called progressive Western culture. They seem to have no hesitation in engaging themselves in various self-destructive habits such as drinking, smoking, drug-consumption, etc., and all in the name of being modern.
Ours is a country with a rich spiritual and cultural base. It is high time that our youth reverted to their rich, ancient and progressive principles. As a youngster, if you have spent your prime time in wasteful living, then when old age sets in, even if your mind and spirit be willing, you will find that your body is unable to support you. Sometimes, the body may be strong but the mind may fall prey to mental ailments. At such times, it would not be very easy to take up spiritual practices. Therefore, practise moderation in every aspect of life.
Worldly objects may seem pleasurable as long as they last, but later they may become the very source of pain and troubles. Life is a fertile field and has to be cultivated properly. No action, or thought or energy is lost in this Universe. At some time or the other, in this very life or another life, and in known or unknown ways, it will definitely bear fruit. It is important to start contemplating upon one’s actions, right now. If you desire the best, then follow the path of righteousness.
A regular practice of sitting still and concentrating upon one’s inner self is necessary. As time goes by, you will find yourself turning away from any erratic ls of the human being. Yoga techniques brings about self-awareness.
It is important to have a set routine of Pranayama, Yogasana, and Meditation, on a daily basis. Sincerely follow the set routine to achieve success in all spheres of life. As you continue, you will find that your spiritual practices have become more and more enjoyable, and your life also has become joyous and enriching. May you enjoy a fruitful and service-oriented life, and may you achieve all that you have set out to achieve.
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