Guruji, what is the role of the husband and that of a wife, in an ideal marriage?

A marriage between two individuals is intended to be ideal always. The husband and wife have a great responsibility towards each other. Both have to see the other as a divine being. They have joined together in a marriage not just to satisfy their sensual desires, but mainly to satisfy their inner selves through meditation and authenticity. Both of them should cultivate and nurture God-consciousness, equally well. In this manner they will be able to work out their individual karmas, as well as their joint ones.
Each one should live for the benefit of the other. The greatest duty of a householder is to look after the family with love and reverence.
If their awareness is continuously immersed in God, the child that is borne out of this union will grow into a highly evolved human being. Physical love is a very small portion of married life. When one is continuously immersed in God, then life becomes easy for one and all. This is the kind of marriage that is recommended by the scriptures also.
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