Guruji, Is it really necessary for us to fast? Will it help us in our spiritual life? Is it sufficient if we fast on the religious occasions as per tradition?

Our scriptures have always advised Fasting. It means dedicating our thoughts to God, with a pure body and clean consciousness. During fasting, one’s desires and cravings are set to rest, and a prayerful attitude is activated. Generally, we tend to eat more than what is required for our body. Our organs are more often than not made to over-work. We do not pay heed to our bodily needs and just go on pumping ourselves with more food and unhealthy food. Most of the people living in the cities, as well as in the villages, appear to be obese these days. This was not the case in the past. It is necessary to give rest to our over-worked organs, and that can only be done only through fasting.
At least occasionally, it is necessary to fast, as the entire body is refreshed and energised by Fasting. New cells and tissues are formed. It is curative therapy since the blood is cleansed thoroughly during the period of fasting. It also strengthens the spiritual quotient of the person. It should be done at least twice a month; ideally, it would be better to fast once a week. It is conducive for our spiritual nature as the mind gets clearer and settled, the organs get into a restful state, and the body becomes light and energetic. When you get into the habit of regular fasting, you will yourself observe the results of it.
Sometimes, those of you who are not used to fast even for a single day, get alarmed at the idea of fasting. Those who have experienced the benefits will tell you how healthy and happy they feel due to their practice of periodic fasting. It is a therapy for some of the most chronic illnesses. If it is difficult to fast completely for a day, you may start with half-a-day fast, or you may have liquid diet on the fasting day. Be cheerful and happy all throughout your fasting. You have not lost anything, instead you will gain good health and a sound mind.
During fasting, do not think of food, and do your usual work. You have enough energy stored from your past accumulation of food. Continue to walk, meditate, and do all your usual chores. Abstain from lying down in bed, and from thinking that you have not eaten food. Practise it regularly, and you will find yourself becoming happier and healthier. Fast moderately, if you are medication. As you find yourself adapting to it, increase your periods of fasting.
It is must for all spiritual practitioners, and they should adapt to it in the manner most suitable to them.
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