Guruji on a Materialistic View: Man’s Desire For More

We live in a materialistic society, and may have a loving set of family and friends around us, yet we most often strive to have more and more money and wealth. We think that by having more of everything, we shall become happier and contented. This is the thinking of most human beings, whether they be rich or poor. Desires are endless, and people are always inclined towards “more”. This kind of thinking, this desire for more, is in fact, a disease of the mind. The truth is: our material possessions will not bring us long-term contentment. Only a genuine feeling of satisfaction and peace, can become the foundation of a happy and contented life.
Most people, especially those who have not had a glimpse of the spiritual world, usually suffer from the desire for ‘more’. They are rarely satisfied with what they have. They are absolutely certain that the more material possessions and money they gather, the happier will they be. For most people, happiness is equivalent to living with an abundance of material possessions. They crave for more of everything: wealth, possessions, entertainment, enjoyment, etc. It is only when some mishap in life happens, that they start contemplating and begin to realise that it is our desire for “more” that hinders us from becoming happy. We wish to be happy, but do not know how to obtain and maintain happiness, nor do we know how to create an atmosphere of happiness around us.
The fact is: the unceasing pursuit of materialistic goods and pleasures, will only destroy our peace of mind. It is ironical that even as we earn more and more, acquire more and more, accomplish more and more, our hunger for possessions and achievements, keeps on growing. Wisdom lies in developing our spiritual nature. Vedic scriptures teach us to accept everything in life, as ‘prasad’ from God, to remain grateful for what we receive, without judging the quantity or quality of the ‘prasad’ received. Our endeavour should be to do the best, no matter how menial the job or service that we undertake may be.
Be humble and grateful for the gifts, life bestows upon you. Be grateful for the thorns strewn in your path, for these thorns are vital for learning the life lessons. Always be more accepting in life, yet keep no expectations, for expectations inevitably lead you to frustration. Acceptance always leads you to peace and joy. Keep in mind that every karma has an equal and opposite reaction, and every seed that you plant will grow into a plant or tree.
So also, every action of yours will definitely bear fruit, depending upon the purity and fineness with which you carry out your actions. Do not ever be attached to the fruits of your action; instead, just keep on doing your work, your duties and responsibilities, unconditionally. Perform your activities with an attitude of reverence, to the best of your ability, and know that they will bear fruit; yet, do not lie in wait for the fruit. Cultivate the attitude of ‘no expectations’ and make your life meaningful. Each one of us is born into an environment and situation, which is conducive to one’s spiritual growth. Tune in to your spiritual nature. As we start do so, our desires and wants automatically start decreasing. We begin to balance our worldly activities with the activities that bring us closer to God.
Engage in Meditation – the best medicine for reducing desires. It calms the mind, and fills the heart with love, peace and harmony. The serenity that comes from meditation lasts for a long time, and if you make meditation a part of your daily activities, throughout your life, then you shall be blessed to lead a wonderfully serene life, day in and day out. Meditation brings you into contact with God, and changes the very nature of your being. It brings you closer to your original home – the home of the Divine. As you sit in meditation, you will realize how unimportant this material world is, a world that is engaged in causing pain and anxiety, trials and tribulations. You will also realize the temporary nature of all your joys and sorrows. Finally, you will realize the infinite joy and peace that comes from God.
So, my children, make meditation your most favourite activity in life. Set aside a fixed time for it, preferably during the Brahma Muhurtha. Select a quiet and serene place at home for carrying out this activity in the wee hours of dawn. Never skip it. You can meditate even if you are far away from home, even when you are at your office or work place. All you need to do is, at a convenient opportunity, just take five minutes or so, to close your eyes, watch your breath, and to connect with the Divine. Slowly and surely, you will observe that your life itself becomes meditation.
What happens in our lives is an outcome of many past karmas, and the choices we have made in the present life. We are all Jivatmas who have been born here, in situations that are conducive for working out our past karmas, for enabling our minds to become pure and desireless. Meditation helps us to overcome our past karmas, and to make the right choices in our present life. Meditation helps in establishing a divine connection with God. It keeps our hearts tuned, at all times. The more we meditate, the more we fine-tune the divine connection with God. May you all move towards your goal through earnest endeavour. May you attain Moksha.
Love and Blessings, Guruji.
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