Guruji, is it necessary to have blind belief in spirituality? During my childhood days I have seen many young widows with bald head and red/white sarees. They suffered a lot, emotionally, and physically. Will not money solve all these problems of society? Rich European countries never faced such problems.

As you said, there was a time when most of the Rajputs and Brahmin families in India followed the practice of “Sati”. Generally, such ladies were allowed to be sacrificed in the funeral pyres of their husbands. They were not permitted by their religious heads to participate in pujas, public functions, marriages and even funerals.
Their spirituality was confined to a dark room where they lived with tears and engaged in ‘namasmaranam’. But now, the times have changed. Hardly any Hindu woman shaves her head after losing her husband. Rather, she is encouraged to resume her worldly life by getting married once again. Today, it is not possible to identify a widow by her dress.
Widow-remarriages were encouraged by Swami Vivekananda, Lala Lajpat Roy, Bal Gangadhar Tilak, Mahatma Gandhi etc.. “Let us throw out the religion which does not wipe the tears of a widow and does not feed the starving poor” – is what Swami Vivekananda proclaimed. Think what the great Swami has said. God always looks at the intention of the people when they perform ceremonies. The ceremonies themselves do not please the Lord.
The hunter Bedara Kannappa, one amongst the 63 Nayanar saints of India, with total devotion, offered meat as Naivedyam to Lord Shiva and attained realization through his Bhakti. The heart which cries for divinity is most important, more than one’s intelligence and wealth. Every rich man may not be peaceful. Wherever there is money, there is no peace and harmony. Even the best childhood friend of Krishna, Kuchela was poorest among the poor; but always remained happy and peaceful by chanting of the name of his own friend Lord Krishna, knowing fully well that Krishna is the godly Emperor and approaching Him will solve all his problems of poverty. But Kuchela knew that even though the problem of poverty may be solved temporarily by approaching Krishna, he cannot retain peace and harmony thereafter. So, until his wife pressurized him to approach Krishna, he led a saintly life with peace and satisfaction, and very little wants.
Essential things of life cannot be purchased with money, viz: health, education, good wife, good children and a peaceful and happy home. Remember that money can provide you many things but not everything, especially love, peace and harmony. Remember to ensure that money is your slave, instead of becoming the slave of money. More money brings more problems.
Further, the money that comes from evil means will bring intense pains and complex problems very quickly. So, spirituality and ill-gotten money or disproportionate wealth do not go together.
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