Guruji, I have been following your teachings for a long time. I started coming to you at the advice of my friend, when I was experiencing some trouble in my daily life. Now, I love coming to the ashram, and so does my ten-year old daughter. What is the right age for children to enter into a spiritual life?

It is surprising that some parents who are devoted to a spiritual life, get worried when their children start liking this kind of life. They feel that they are too young, to want to lead a spiritual life at such tender age. Some parents even tell their children to give up their spiritual inclination for the time being, and instead to concentrate on their studies and games. These parents prefer to prepare their children for dealing with the competitive world, to score high marks, go abroad for higher education, get high-paying jobs, marry into high-society, etc. They feel that all these will be lost to the children if they lead a spiritual life from a young age.
It is a mistaken belief that worldly success cannot happen to children who are spiritually inclined. It is also a wrong belief that children who are introduced to a spiritual life in their tender age will abandon worldly life and become brahmacharis or brahmacharinis. Every child is an independent soul who has assumed a particular role and set of circumstances, to work out its own evolution. It is your duty to allow your children to carry out the roles that they have assumed in this life. Do not become an obstacle to their spiritual progress. It is important to understand that each soul has come to this earth to work out its own liberation or mukti.
It is only karma that has brought all members of your family together. Each soul is here to aspire for God. Some show this inclination very late in life. It is only the fortunate souls that develop spiritual inclination very early in life. Give your children all the required encouragement when they show spiritual tendencies. Feel blessed that God has given you the privilege of being parents to devout and dedicated souls. Their worldly success depends greatly upon the joy and peace with which they are brought up in this world. Each child is unique by itself, do not compare one with another. Instead, put all your efforts towards creating a home of peace so that it is a fertile ground for your child to flower in all ways.
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