Guruji, Why is it said that the body and mind are connected?
If it is really connected, how does it help us at all?

First of all, you must understand the interplay between body and mind. Breath is the connecting bridge between body and mind. As we all know, only a breathing man can survive in this life. The moment a person stops breathing, the energy to sustain the body is lost and the body becomes lifeless. So, it should be easy to understand that breath is the vital element of our mental and physical health. When one breathes properly, thinks properly, eats properly, and exercises properly, then a healthy mind and a healthy body is created.
It is important to spend some time in learning the skills and techniques that are necessary for leading a holistic and spiritual life. Once you carry out your practices with discipline, unwaveringly, you will observe that you are easily able to obtain clarity of mind. It then becomes easy for you to distinguish between the good and the bad. When discipline and commitment become a part of you, you will also undergo a transformation within yourself. Self-transformation brings about joy and contentment.
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