Gomutra Skin Care Products

Gomutra skin care products have gained excitable popularity during recent times and established a wide network across the country including urban areas. Panchgavya an ancient formulation derived from cow urine comprising cow urine, dung, milk, and ghee is extensively used for the preparation of skin care products. Despite the warning from doctors on their effectiveness or adverse effects, these products are catching on in cities.
Megacities like Delhi, Mumbai, etc. have dedicated outlets selling branded gomutra skin care products. According to Ms. Anuradha Modi, founder of Holy Cow Foundation, a popular Delhi based organization which runs “Thela”, a shop dedicated to selling cowpathy products, she got the idea of the foundation and the shop by the amazing results she could experience by using the face pack, shampoo and soap made of panchagavya.
In Mumbai, Vedic Cow Products has made a landmark in branding the gomutra skin care products derived from panchagavya. This shop retails a range of soaps, hair oils and hair tonics, nasal drops, tooth powder and gomutra or cow urine through its online portal Vedic Cow Products. The organization also runs outlets at Thane district’s Bhaktivedanta Hospital and Mumbai’s ISKCON temple since 2012 for promoting these products. Another company promoting cowpathy products called Calves N Leaves, sells panchagavya foot creams, rash lotions, hair tonics, and balms for joint pain through its outlet in Parel.
Gomutra skin care products and health care formulation have their roots well anchored in the ancient medical science of Ayurveda. According to the Delhi-based Central Council for Research in Ayurvedic Sciences (CCRAS) under the ministry of Ayurveda, Yoga and Naturopathy, Unani, Siddha and Homoeopathy (AYUSH) there are several benefits of cowpathy. Some of the obvious positive impact of gomutra products include strengthening immunity, detoxification of the body systems, improving digestion, antibacterial and fungicidal effects, relieving a wide range of skin disorders and ailments of the eyes, antioxidant and anti-aging activities, exfoliation of the skin and enhancement of glamour.
Companies such as The Thela, Patanjali Yogpeeth, Vedic Cow Products, Calves N Leaves are selling a spectrum of products derived from cow urine, dung, milk and milk products. Some of the Prominent Products comprise Gau Ark (distilled cow urine), Soap, Nasal Drops, Face pack, Hair tonic, Body lotion, Foot creams, etc. Medicinal formulations of gomutra or panchagavya take care of many debilitating skin disorders like eczema, psoriasis, hyperpigmentation, scabies, leukoderma, foot crack, etc.
Gomutra skincare products have potential use as medicines in cosmetic therapy in addition to their use as personal beauty care products. Due to its keratinolytic activity gomutra can be used for the treatment of warts, calluses, etc. Gomutra contains a wonderful molecule called allantoin with miraculous wound healing property. This molecule modulates the inflammatory response and facilitates wound healing process by aiding in cell multiplication and synthesis of extracellular matrix, a nourishing material for growing cells. These facts support the wound healing ability of gomutra derived products. The gomutra products have immense scope in routine cosmetic treatments like the removal of postoperative scars, bruises, scars of accident injuries, burn injuries, acnes, etc.
Many organizations and individuals who got experienced with the potential and effectivity of gomutra skin care products have launched exclusive ventures for the promotion of such products. The ventures like the Thela, Pathanjali, etc. are now driving such products to urban markets throughout the country, via online stores and swanky retail outlets. There are several other agencies and organizations who develop and promote gomutra products of wide ranges across India. During the recent years, these products have crossed international borders also to reach overseas consumers.
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