Cow Urine Uses

Cow Urine Uses
Cow urine is a unique product with multiple uses. Benefits of this invaluable resource were not tapped to its full potential till recently, as cow urine uses are found only in the Hindu rituals and Ayurvedic medicinal formulations. But efforts of several individuals and organizations who got convinced with the efficacy of this humble product for many other uses during the recent time have built up much popularity and demand for cow urine today.
A separate concept called “Cowpathy” has emerged during the last couple of decades. More and more uses of cow urine are being discovered and put into practical utility. Despite the existence of strong propaganda by pseudo secularist political groups and skeptic intellectuals, cow urine has won the public mandate to a notable extent, basically due to the competency of the product in terms of its performance on various utility fronts. Indian cow urine uses have been endorsed by users across the world. The issue of US patents for anticancer drug and the antibiotic formulation containing components from Indian cow urine has confirmed the integrity of its age-old use in Ayurvedic formulations, as well as cleansing process followed in Hindu religious rituals. The noteworthy aspects of cow urine are its eco-friendly nature, easy accessibility, and multiple uses. Folk medicines of Myanmar and Nigeria also find uses of cow urine. Today the list of cow urine uses runs up to more than a dozen on several fronts of human interests.
Cow Urine uses in Agriculture
Cow urine is reported as a growth enhancer of plants and widely used as a biofertilizer for different crop plants. Gomutra or Cow urine uses is proved to enhance the resistance of plants against a wide range of plant pathogens like mycoplasma, viruses, bacteria, fungi, nematodes and insects causing diseases and damages to cultivated plants. Different formulations of biopesticides derived from Gomutra are available in the market today as local or branded products. In addition to this, the cow urine as such or in the form of Panchagavya is widely used as an enhancer of soil fertility.
The nurturing effect of these products on useful soil bacteria enhances their activity resulting in better growth of plants and higher crop yield. As the agriculture and the consumers of agriculture commodities are turning away from agrochemicals (chemical fertilizers and pesticides), prospects for cow urine-based products would be quite high in this sector. Organic farming, the upcoming trend in agriculture has endorsed cow urine-based products and we can see the growing popularity of these products around the enthusiastic and forward thinking traditional farmers as well as the growing population of urban farmers.
Cow urine uses in Pharmaceuticals
In the Indian traditional medicine Ayurveda, raw cow urine or the Panchagavya are used as one of the common ingredients in various formulations. A wide range of diseases and disorders have been treated using formulations derived or containing cow urine. Ayurvedic literature has mentioned use of cow urine-based formulations for the treatment of leprosy, epilepsy, cancer, etc. Contemporary Ayurveda practitioners have reported the use of cow urine based formulations for the cure of peptic ulcer, different types of cancers, liver disorders, asthma, diabetes and many other ailments.
Modern research has confirmed the therapeutic activities of cow urine and is approved by the international science fraternity through the US patents granted to Indian Scientists for anticancer and antibiotic drugs derived from Gomutra. There are plenty of branded Ayurvedic medicinal formulations available in the market for the treatment of various ailments and lakhs of patients make use of them and get cured. Distilled cow urine is being marketed as ‘Gou Arka’ by several organizations for preventive health care.
Cow urine uses in cosmetics
This is a recent addition to cow urine uses and getting momentum. Products like soaps, shampoos, etc. and are developed and promoted by different organizations involved in conservation of Indian cows.
Other uses of Cow Urine
Products for general sanitization such as floor cleaning lotions have been developed by many promoters using Gomutra. Fitness products like health drinks, body lotions for skin care, etc. containing cow urine are available in the market.
Currently, cow urine enjoys a billion USD market and fetched fortune for lakhs of cattle farmers, entrepreneurs and practitioners of Cowpathy and Ayurveda. As of now, cow urine benefits are beyond doubt. Addition of new consumer products from this raw material would continue with more and more innovations happening in this field. The challenge lies in removing the bad smell of the urine and make it more appealing to the consumers. India will surely lead the world in bringing the full benefits of cow urine to humanity in the near future.
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