Cow Urine Ayurveda

The Indian cow and its urine find unique status in the culture and practice of Indian society from time immemorial. Cow urine Ayurveda is the illustrious aspect of the uses of cow urine. Ayurveda literally means ‘Science of Life’ and treats the illness through a holistic approach.  Ayurveda treats all the four domains of life such as the soul, the mind, the body, and the senses providing a long-lasting solution for the ailments. All the ancient Ayurvedic texts like the Sushrutha Samhitha, Charaka Samhita, Ashtanga Sangraha, etc. have illustrated the healing properties of cow urine on a wide range of diseases. According to Ayurveda cow urine purifies the blood and establishes harmony among the Vata, Pitta, and Kapha, the Thridoshas of the body. Cow urine is considered as the ‘Sanjivani’ in Ayurveda. It is recommended as a potent therapy for various infectious diseases, especially those of the kidneys and the liver.

According to cow urine Ayurveda, gomutra is capable of cleansing the toxins from the body systems and also acts as a powerful antidote against various types of poisons. Therefore, this has been accepted as a complementary medicine for patients receiving long-term medications for chronic illnesses like kidney failure, cancer, immune disorders and survivors of organ transplantation.

Cow urine Ayurveda recommends raw cow urine, distilled cow urine (Cow urine Arka)  and Panchagavya for treatment purpose. These are either used as such or in combination with other natural products like herbal extracts. Many of the traditional and modern practitioners of Ayurveda and Cowpathy have confirmed the healing activity of cow urine or herbal formulations containing it.  More than thirty diseases have been reported as cured through cow urine Ayurveda including eye disorders.  Liver damage and chronic cases of jaundice have been reported as cured by this treatment. Apart from these, cow urine has been proven effective for the treatment of asthma, ulcers, tumors, cancers, diabetes, infectious diseases and deficiency disorders.

Applications of cow urine Ayurveda in preventive, curative, Supplementary Medicine have been established and widely followed nowadays. Cow urine has got several effects on the human body and capable of improving general health and fitness. Modulating immune function, enhancing liver function, lowering blood cholesterol, relieving tension and stress, improving memory, etc. are some of the attributes of confirmed of cow urine which will impact the general health positively.  Detoxification of the body system and anti-aging properties also have been correlated with regular intake of cow urine.

Mixing 2 teaspoons of cow urine ark with 1 teaspoon of honey and 5 teaspoons of normal water and taking the mixture twice a day in morning empty stomach and before sleeping is recommended for improving general health.[1]

Even the Western medicine accepts cow urine Ayurveda as complementary and alternative medicine intended to complement allopathy treatment. It has been considered as a mediator between the patient and the respective physicians. These recent developments are setting favorable grounds for the endorsement of cow urine as an effective product for the promotion of healthcare

The success achieved by the Cowpathy practitioners and product manufacturers on a pan-India network possibly can be considered as the time-tested evidence for the competency and positive impact of this treatment approach for the betterment of human health. Therefore, real focus and attempt to nurture and promote this treatment practice from the marginal to the mainstream status needs to be done. Interestingly, several comparative study reports on the urine and other products of Indian cow breeds with those of other parts of the world have confirmed the superiority of the products of Indian cows in terms of nutritional and medicinal properties. Today the cow urine Ayurveda has crossed the borders of India and spread across the world as good numbers of overseas users of the product are available.

  • [1] Cow Urine (Gomutra) as Ayurvedic Medicine (Link)

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