Cow Milk for Elderly Care

Receding mental abilities (Cognitive decline) in Elderly Care

Changing demography and nuclear family structure have created new challenges in Indian families, especially in the elderly care. Different forms of dementia, cognitive decline, and neurodegenerative diseases take a toll on the quality of life among the elderly population in our society. Cases of Alzheimer’s disorder and Parkinson’s disease have reached a dominant position among the disabilities of the elderly population today. More than 4 million elderly people are facing one or the other forms of dementia in India today and are a growing health problem. This warrants effective preventive measures against the diseases, as a cure for the disability is still out of reach.

Diet for Elderly Care

Most of the age-related problems are not caused due to diseases but disorders due to aging. Therefore, more attention is warranted towards streamlining the diet and lifestyle of the elderly than medication. Scientific research and population statistics have linked two nutritional components, glutathione (an amino acid) and Vitamin B12 in preventing mental disabilities faced by the elderly. Glutathione protects the brain cells from oxidative stress, a major cause of dementia and cognitive disabilities whereas vitamin B12 is essential for maintaining a healthy nervous system. It prevents shrinkage of neurons in the brain in Alzheimer’s patients.

Why is cow milk important in Elderly Care?

Cow milk is an important source of the dietary intake of both glutathione and vitamin B12 according to scientific research.  The whey protein has been confirmed as an important source of glutathione. Meat is another source of glutathione. But for the vegetarians, milk forms the major dietary source of glutathione. The case of Vitamin B12is also same, as dietary sources of this vitamin are all of the animal origins. Hence vegetarians have to depend on milk or milk products as the source of this vitamin. Therefore, cow milk stands first, among the dietary components recommended for the elderly people. Apart from glutathione and vitamin B12, cow milk also has many other essential nutrients like calcium, other vitamins, and proteins.

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