Guruji on Meditation

Modern life has made us very busy. Nevertheless, we are eager to meditate. Meditation with work is generally difficult for ordinary people who have so many desires. Mind is always engaged in a conflict between meditation and action. Meditation is an inward activity of the mind whereas action is an outward activity of the mind. Both cannot be reconciled. For a normal person, it is almost impossible to co-relate the outer actions of mind with inner meditation. Yet this is possible at an advanced level. This is how my Guru guided me, while we were on a Himalayan trek in the Narmada Valley.
I was walking fast with my Guru, Naren Baba and getting tired quickly, as I was eager to maintain the speed of climbing. Baba just observed my plight and smiled at me, “Do not have only a single goal to reach the top. Enjoy the beauty of the flower valley of the Himalaya. Hear the sweet sound of birds, soothing sound of wind, dancing trees, fragrance of flowers, and beauty of mountain. Take a strong stick – hold it in your right hand for help and your legs will walk. Your stick will be your protector. Keep a little attention on your path and the pretty flowers and shrubs on either side. Let your major attention be towards enjoying the Creator’s creation of nature. Walk at a medium or slow speed without thinking much about your goal of reaching the top.” I agreed with my Guru in letter and spirit. I started walking leisurely, taking a stick in my hand, looking at the Himalayan scenery. At times, I looked at the floating cotton-like white clouds. They were touching the peak of the Himalayan Mountain; some clouds were like beautiful faces of dancers. In between, groups of birds were flying and some other birds were singing in the deep forest. It was a heavenly experience for me. As I started enjoying my surroundings, slowly my body-awareness kept diminishing. I did not stop in between to relax my body or for a sip of water. Time and distance did not bother me, because my mind was focused on the inner enjoyment and that is ‘Ananda’. I then understood that every work can be done with inner enjoyment so that work then becomes meditation in action, as demonstrated by my Guru.
Since that day, I started enjoying every act of mine. From the point of getting up from bed, I began to feel very fresh and thanked God for giving me a beautiful day. While going to bathroom to freshen up, I enjoyed every action of mine. I felt joy within while sipping a cup of tea or a glass of hot water. Later at breakfast table, I thanked the person for preparing delicious food. Even in the office, I enjoyed the work with the thought that the job is my bread earner and that I should do it with all sincerity. Whatever happened at the office, I did not take it seriously and instead considered it as a matter of routine. After going home, I would freshen up and meditate for some time. Even on the dinner table, whatever was served, I ate with total happiness and consumed the food thinking that Chaitanya (Krishna) within me was enjoying the food. While going to bed also I thanked God for the beautiful day he had given me. This is how I began my meditation in action as directed by my Guru.
There is no life on earth without difficulties. Miseries, worries and tension exist for every life on this earth, provided one takes it. Your happiness or sorrow depends upon how you take life. If you are a person trying to do meditation in action, you will not take life seriously. Remember that life is a joke. It is a real joke because it changes every moment. Whatever matter you take seriously, even that will pass away and you will forget the incident. That is why life is called a drama of dreams. Here nothing remains as it is. Even this life will change and vanish from this earth in no time. What you do today, here and now, will remain with you. You can postpone anything, but not your meditation. Once you postpone your meditation for tomorrow, that tomorrow will never come, which means you will never meditate. So meditate today, here and now, you will realize the truth very soon.
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