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Definition of meditation

You can call Meditation as ‘mental refreshment’ or ‘mental hygiene’ or even ‘mental rest’. Meditation basically refers to a certain set of techniques intended to elevate the state of awareness and focus the attention. Meditation has centuries of history and had been in practice throughout the world irrespective of religion, community or location, and of course in different forms and ways. Hinduism,  Buddhism, Christianity, Judaism, and Islam, all have a tradition of meditative practices. Mostly, meditation is performed as part of religious practices, but examples of people and cults, practicing meditation independently, out of binding to any religion are plenty.

Why meditation?

We have a tendency to care for our body but most of the time don’t bother about the mind and most of us can’t make out the connectivity of the body and the mind. We have enough space for physical exercise and fitness activities in our education, society, and lifestyles but little room for activities meant for mental fitness. It is the topmost activity which safeguards the mental health of a person. Therefore, this needs to be instilled with the lifestyle. There should be enough scope for inclusion of this in the education and everyday practice across all ages and looks quite prospective in the present context of the society, where people are prone to face constant anxiety, insecurity, and discontent.

What are the requirements for meditation?

Yes. This is important for a starter to know. First of all, one should believe and accept the practice! As far as the requirements are concerned, the first need for a starter to begin with meditation is a serene setting, where the mind can be calm. Next is the posture, which has various options depending on the mode of meditation, but in most of the postures, the spine is maintained straight. Many meditation postures are present, like lotus, half-lotus, Burmese, Egyptian, etc. But the lotus posture is the most common meditation posture recommended, where the person sits cross-legged and feet resting firmly on one’s thighs.
A passive and receptive attitude is the third requirement for entering into meditation. This is probably the most important of all because this keeps one’s mind away from innumerable distractions. The last but not the least requirement for meditation is an object of focus, this may be physical or non-physical. Most of the time both. In the Hindu religious way of meditation, the idol or its variant forms represent the physical object and the ‘mantra’ or any other chanting represent the non-physical component. “Mantra” is a Sanskrit word which means liberation from thoughts (“man” = thought; “tra” = liberation). Generally, this will be “Om” and “Shanti” mantra in the Hindu religious meditations. Many types of slow rhythmic music are used in secular meditation sessions for keeping the meditators in unison and away from distractions.

Benefits of meditation

It can bring multiple benefits to the practitioner. They include physical, mental and emotional benefits.  Toning of the blood pressure, revitalization of the skin, slowing down of the aging process, modulating the immune response, facilitating easy breathing and toning the cardiovascular functions are some important physical benefits associated with meditation. Stress-relief, healthy sleep, enhancement of concentration, ability to focus the mind, adaptability to a healthy lifestyle, increased self-awareness, etc. are the major mental advantages achievable by regular meditation. Uplifted self-esteem, greater creativity of the mind,  reduced stress and anxiety, improved memory and learning abilities, and above all elevated level of happiness are the emotional benefits one can feel on practicing meditation.

Shri Shaktidarshan Yogashram, is one such institution, dedicated to aiding fellow beings to grow mentally and spiritually through yogic practices such as meditation, kriya yoga, atma vidya and other allied practices. It is headed by Shri Devadas Rao, our Poojya Guruji, an established yogacharya and spiritual teacher belonging to the Himalayan tradition. The ashram serves as a retreat for those who wish to seek the meaning and wisdom within. Nestled in the groves of Kinnigoli, at the outskirts of Mangalore City, Karnataka State, India, the Shri Shaktidarshan Yogashram is situated at a distance of 8 Kms from Mulki, 365 Kms from Bangalore and 875 Kms from Mumbai with easy accessibility through rail, road and air.

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