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Surabhivana is a home to native Indian cattle breeds.
“The living sages of India teach us a wisdom that cannot be taught by our universities and the priceless culture of our country disseminate from them. The clarion call for saving the Indian breed of cattle has been given by these sages. Hence, it is of paramount importance that we enlist ourselves in this mission to “Preserve the native breeds of our Indian Cattle”.
In the year 2004, Shri Devadas Rao (Guruji), yogacharya and spiritual teacher belonging to the Himalayan tradition, founder of Shri Shaktidarshan Yogashram at Kinnigoli, near Mulki, Karnataka, embarked upon a mission to promote the dwindling native Indian breeds of Cows. Realising their importance and their roles in the spiritual welfare of human beings, others also joined hands with Guruji and thus was conceptualized Surabhivana Gau-shala.
Surabhivana is spread over twenty acres’ rocky terrain, allotted by the District Collector of Mangalore, in year 2004. It lies atop a hillock, approximately 25 kilometres from Mangalore City. It is managed by the registered charitable institution, Om Prakruthi Dhama Trust, created exclusively for preserving the pure native Indian breeds of Cattle. Its upkeep and day-to-day functioning is solely dependent upon donations from patrons and well-wishers.
The sole objective of Surabhivana is to preserve, propagate and promote extensive breeding of native Indian cows by bringing about awareness amongst the masses. The Trust seeks to revive the ancient reverence for cattle as being nature’s gift to humanity and to promote the ancient system of living and working along-side these bovine creatures. It also undertakes to educate the common man about the importance of our native Indian cattle, their special characteristics, the superior quality of milk of the native breeds, the medicinal properties of their products and by-products and their immense role in the welfare of humans due to their potential to enhance man’s physical, emotional, mental and spiritual well-being.
Cows are the only species in this world whose products and by-products are created for the economic, social and spiritual betterment of human beings. Our ancient scriptures have extolled their inherent virtues and bestowed the status of a Universal Mother upon the Cow.
Hindu mythology describes the Kamadhenu or Surabhi as the mother of all cows. Cows are venerated as the earthly embodiment of Kamadhenu. Also, it is believed that out of the countless vibrations present in the Universe, there are thirty-three crores of different vibrations, necessary for sustenance of different types of life-forms upon our earth and our native Indian breed of Cows are acclaimed the world over for their specific characteristics.
The endeavor has flourished by leaps and bounds and today we have with us over 150 numbers of our native Indian cattle.
Our gratitude and respects abound towards all who have participated and continue to participate in this noble cause of promoting our native Indian breeds of cattle.
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