
The Kapila breed of cattle is a rare Indian breed, native to Dakshina Karnataka and Kasargod.
It is said that this breed was reared by Kapila Rishi – a great Vedic Sage and hence derived its name from him. It is also believed that the Kapila breed of cows are the offsprings of the divine cow, Surabhi, revered and praised since the Vedic times.
In the Mahabharata ten varieties of Kapila have been described viz:
“Suvarn Kapila ( Golden yellow); Gour Pingala (white and yellow coloured); Arakta Pingakshi (red tail and yellow·eyed ) ; Gal Pingala (neck with yellow hair); Eabhru Varnabha (whole body with yellow colour); Shveta Pingala (whitish yellow); Rakta Pingakshi (reddish yellow eyed); Khur Pingala (Yellow coloured feet); Patala (Light red); Puccha Pingala (tail yellow coloured)” [Mahabharat- Ashvamedh, 102./7-8].
The colour of the Kapila breed have been variously described as black, brown, red or yellow. Certain Ayurvedic doctors are of the opinion that its colour is a blend of white, yellow, red and black and due to this mixed colour, it absorbs the Sun’s rays more intensively, making its milk superior and richer.
The Kapila breed of cattle is small in stature with an average height of 80 to 85 cms. This breed has an inherent resistance to diseases and has not been known to suffer from any fatal diseases. The milk produced by the Kapila cows though meagre in quantity has immense therapeutic value and abundant healing properties. A variant of this breed is the golden kapila, which has golden eyes, nose and golden skin.
The Kapila breed is to be found only in India with a meager population of approximately 500 or so. Our Surabhivana houses around 40 numbers of the golden variant of the Kapila breed. The ghee produced from milk of our Kapila cows appear almost like liquid gold. This breed is immensely strong and disease-free. Kapila calf is up on its feet within eight hours of its birth. This breed is perhaps the strongest amongst the Indian breed of cattle.
The Kapila breed produces a substance in its horns which has high medicinal properties. The substance is called “Gorochana”. The “Gorochana” present within its horns is used for medicinal purposes. The dung and urine of the Kapila breed are well known for their cancer curing properties. This breed is highly revered for its spiritual value.

Indian Cow Facts
The Kapila breed produces a substance in its horns which has high medicinal properties. The substance is called "Gorochana" The Kapila breed is to be found only in India with a meager population of approximately 500 or so. Our Surabhivana houses around 40 numbers of the golden variant of the Kapila breed.