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Fill fresh urine of native cows in the main vessel.   Heat the vessel in an electric heater or an astra firewood hearth. Within one to 1/2 hours it will start boiling, and vapor will start coming out. Then start the flow of the cool water through the condenser. The vapors, while moving through the pipe of the Condenser; condenses and drops of arka start dripping from the end of condenser into a clean vessel.   If you are using an electric heater, keep the thermostat at 60 and if it is a fire wood hearth, adjust the fire in a continuous sim flame so that arka will flow drop by drop. If the fire is big, arka will come in stream and due to excessive boiling it will have a reddish colour and black particles will appear later.

                 Usually arka will amount to only half the quantity of urine used in distiller. Collect this arka in a glass or porcelain vessel, cover it with a clean cloth and allow it to cool. Then filter it again and store in air tight bottles.Stored in clean glass bottles, it lasts for many months without losing medicinal power. It is a colourless liquid with slight odor.

                Now let us see, as per Ayurveda what all types of diseases could be cured by arka or urine of the cow.

                Cow urine is used as an effective curative for many diseases, in ancient Indian therapy. Today the cross breeding of cows has destroyed most of the medicinal power. Hence the cow to be used for procuring urine should be of pure Indian breed. If the cow grazes in the hills and forests, the medicinal value will be more.

                Those who have native cows with them can use fresh cow urine even without distilling, but after filtering properly. Urine is to be collected in buckets before it falls on the ground. Then it is to be filtered through 8 folds of clean cotton cloth.

                The usual dose of arka for the following ailments is two teaspoon mixed with two teaspoon of water.  In the case of fresh urine, it is 50 ml.  After consuming this nothing should be taken for one hour.  The treatment is most effective if medicines are taken on empty stomach.  Hence, if doses are prescribed twice in a  day, one is in the early morning as soon as one gets up and the second one in the evening before supper.

                 While taking this treatment some food items are to be avoided. They are : coffee, tea, alcohol, non vegetarian, Deep fried food and bakery items. Ready made junk foods are to be avoided.  Smoking and consuming of any type of drugs too is to be avoided strictly.

                Prescriptions for following ailments are given.

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One dose is to be taken in the morning before washing mouth and one in the evening.  Gargle warm Salt water every 2 hour. 6 months of this treatment will completely cure Tonsillitis. USe more green gram and bitter’gourd.  Avoid cold food, sour food,  deep fries, hot drinks and non vegetarian food.

[/cmsms_toggle][cmsms_toggle title=”Bladder Disorders”]

  1. One dose each is to be taken in the morning and evening.
  2. Take one tender coconut with lemon and dates.

[/cmsms_toggle][cmsms_toggle title=”Infertility”]

  1. Take one dose each in the morning and evening.
  2. Mix 5 ml of cow’s ghee, 10ml honey, 10ml onion juice and 1ml ginger juice and consume at 5 P.M.
  3. Take Panchagavya along with milk in the morning and evening. Daily eat Dates and Almonds along with Awala and Ghee. Within 6 months you will find the change.

[/cmsms_toggle][cmsms_toggle title=”Asthma”]

Take one dose each in the morning on empty stomach and in the evening. After every meal put 2 drops of Panchagavya on your navel and with your ring finger massage it clockwise and anticlock wise around navel. Repeat it before going to bed also and put 2-4 drops into each of your nostril. Drink a cup of hot milk with a spoon of ghee before going to bed. Use clove, spice, date, tulasi, pepper etc.

[/cmsms_toggle][cmsms_toggle title=”Prostrate enlargement”]

Take cow’s urine early morning before you brush your teeth. Twice a day drink hot milk with Panchagavya. Within 6 months the symptoms will disappear.

[/cmsms_toggle][cmsms_toggle title=”Lever enlargement”]

  1. Drink empty stomach in morning and evening two spoon of Arka with equal water.
  2. Consume bottle gourd juice alongwith ginger, Pudina and Pepper.
  3. Thrice a day one glass of milk with 1 spoon Panchagavya
  4. Consume snake gourd, Papaya and buttermilk.
  5. Do Kriya yoga twice a day without fail.

[/cmsms_toggle][cmsms_toggle title=”Migraine”]

  1. Morning and evening on empty stomach take one dose.
  2. Do. Kriya Yoga twice a day.
  3. Drink three times hot milk with 2 spoon of Panchagavya.
  4. While sleeping put 2 drops of native cows ghee in each nostrils. Apply 2 drops on navel and with ring finger massage clockwise and anticlockwise .
  5. Take grapes, Avala, milk and ghee

[/cmsms_toggle][cmsms_toggle title=”Diabetes”]

[/cmsms_toggle][cmsms_toggle title=”Ulcerative collitis and peptic ulcers.”]

  1. Twice a day on empty stomach 2 spoon arka with equal water.
  2. 30 minutes before meals take one glass of hot milk with 1 spoon Panchagavya.
  3. 2 bananas after meal, 3 times a day.
  4. Drink plenty of butter milk, cauliflower juice. Eat Horse gram, snake gourd, menthe, nerale daily.
  5. Avoid hot (chilies) and sour food.

[/cmsms_toggle][cmsms_toggle title=”Blood Pressure”]

[/cmsms_toggle][cmsms_toggle title=”Constipation”]

  1. one dose each in the morning and evening.
  2. 30 minutes after supper drink warm water with 10 drops of castor oil.
  3. Include in your food, papaya, tender coconut, butter milk, green vegetables, musumbi, guava fruit, fenugreek, turmeric, dates, resins & ginger.
  4. Avoid hot (chilies) and sour food.

[/cmsms_toggle][cmsms_toggle title=”Skin diseases. boils etc”]

  1. One dose in the early morning.
  2. Take 2 spoons of juice of Neem and Tulasi, mix it with 2 spoons of arka and consume it before supper. Apply the some mixture all over the body and expose the body to the evening sun.
  3. Include in your food more of bitter gourd, green gram, horse gram, tulasi, honey and garlic.
  4. Avoid hot, salty and sour food, oil and maida. Continue this treatment for 6 months.

[/cmsms_toggle][cmsms_toggle title=”Acidity”]

  1. One dose in the early morning.
  2. Take 2 spoons of juice of Neem and Tulasi, mix it with 2 spoons of arka and consume it before supper. Apply the some mixture all over the body and expose the body to the evening sun.
  3. Include in your food more of bitter gourd, green gram, horse gram, tulasi, honey and garlic.
  4. Avoid hot, salty and sour food, oil and maida. Continue this treatment for 6 months.

[/cmsms_toggle][cmsms_toggle title=”Spondilities and sciatic gain”]

  1. One dose in the early morning.
  2. Get soft massages through experts and have hot water treatment.
  3. Take the juice of 10 Dhurva grass, 4 Tulasi dala, 4 Pudina leaves, one Bilva leaf and 4 Brahmi leaves and bottle gourd,  add ginger, pepper and jaggery or candy sugar. Take it 2 or 3 times a day.
  4.  Add to your daily food pomegranate, cow ghee and garlic.
  5.  Avoid too much hot, salty and sour food. Continue this treatment for 6 months.

[/cmsms_toggle][cmsms_toggle title=”Piles”]

[/cmsms_toggle][cmsms_toggle title=”Cancer”]

[/cmsms_toggle][cmsms_toggle title=”T.B.”]

  1. On empty stomach morning and evening take two Spoons of go arka mixed with 0.5 gm alum, 0.5 gm sugar candy and 4 spoons water.
  2. Before going to bed, put two drops of Pancha Gavya in nose in supine position and keep your chest raised for 3 minutes so that the medicine moves through upper tract and percolates to the brain. Then put 2 drops of pancha gavya on your navel and massage clockwise with your ring finger.
  3. Include in your daily food desi cow milk, Garlic, raw vegetables, Fenugreek and grapes.

[/cmsms_toggle][cmsms_toggle title=”Wet dreams and premature ejaculation”]

  1. On empty stomach take two spoons of Pancha gavya with equal water in the morning and evening.
  2. Drink at 10 am one glass milk of native cow with Pancha gavya.
  3. At night take light food and drink one glass hot milk of native cow with one spoon of Ayurvedic ‘excel liquid’.
  4. Include in your daily food avala, ginger, dates, resin, coconut, curd, onion and ladies finger.

[/cmsms_toggle][cmsms_toggle title=”Kidney stonesand liver stone”]

    • In morning and evening take 2 spoon of go arka along with equal water
    • Drink soup made of one handful leaves of drum stick and 4 neem leaves. You can make Kashaya also by boiling both.
    • Prepare chapatti or roti by mixing horse gram flour and wheat flour in equal Proportions.
    • Drink alot of hot water With Sajje.
    • Include in your daily food cucumber, radish, avala, pineapple.

[/cmsms_toggle][cmsms_toggle title=”Moti Bindu weak sight”]

  1. Take one dose of Arka on empty stomach.
  2. Before sleeping put 2 drops of Arka in both eyes.
  3. Drink twice a day native cow’s milk with one spoon ghee.
  4. Before going to bed lie supine and put 2 drops of Pancha gavya in nostril. Put 2 drops in the navel and massage clock wise with ring finger.
  5. Include in your daily food more of honey, almonds, bitter gourd, carrot, awala & papaya.

[/cmsms_toggle][cmsms_toggle title=”Paralysis”]

  1. One dose in the morning and one in the evening.
  2. Do massage to the affected part for 20 minutes with a mixture of 4 spoons Panchagavya and 4 spoons gingili oil.
  3. Drink 3 times a day 1/2 glass of milk with 2 spoons of ghee.
  4. Mix two drops of gau arka with 2 drops of ghee and put them in both nostril 2 drops each, before going to bed. Keep the chest raised and head bent backwards for 5 minutes to enable it to percolate into the brain.
  5. Drink one glass of bottle gourd juice smashing 10 Tulasi leaves and 10 Pudina leaves with it.
  6. Include plenty of milk, ghee, garlic, bottle gourd and green vegetables in your daily food.

Continue this treatment for 6 months.

[/cmsms_toggle][cmsms_toggle title=”Malfunctioning of thyroid.”]

  1. Take one dose of Arka twice a day.
  2. Daily practice Yogasana and Pranayama.
  3. Chew down 30 Tulasi leaves with one spoon of honey.
  4. Drink a glass of juice by smashing 20 leaves of Tulasi’, 20 Pudina leaves and Bottle gourd.
  5. It is better to include in your daily food sprouted green gram, wheat and pearl millets, bitter gourd and sugar cane.

Continue this treatment for 6 months.

[/cmsms_toggle][cmsms_toggle title=”Menstruation problem (Irregular periods)”]

  1. One dose twice a day.
  2. Boil 25 gms of black pepper and 20 gms Jaggery in 500 ml water and reduce it to 1/4 by boiling. Filter and consume after mixing it with 2 spoons of Panchagavya.
  3. Include in your menu butter milk, curds, black gram dal, oma.
  4. Daily do the following Asanas – 6 Surya namaskars, Halasana, Shalabhasana, Vajrasana, Supta vajrasana, Nadishoda Pranayama and 100 bhastrikas. Invariably do Yoganidra after this.

Continue this treatment for 6 months.

[/cmsms_toggle][cmsms_toggle title=”Indigestion. loose motion and diarrhoea “]

  1. One dose twice a day.
  2. Every two hours take a glass of fresh butter milk.
  3. Before meals drink milk with dates
  4. Put 2 drops of onion juice into each nostril in the morning and evening

Continue this treatment up to 5 days after disappearance of the symptoms.

[/cmsms_toggle][cmsms_toggle title=”Fistula and Piles”]

  1. One dose twice a day.
  2. Apply on the Fistula, mixture of V2 spoon arka and 4 drops ghee. This can be inserted by a filler into anus.
  3. Include in your menu papaya, bottle gourd, green vegetables, and fruits.
  4. Boil the roots of “Touch me not” plant in V2 litre water for 30 minutes. Drink this after every meal.

Continue this treatment for 6 months.

[/cmsms_toggle][cmsms_toggle title=”Indigestion. loose motion and diarrhoea “]

  1. One dose twice a day.
  2. Every two hours take a glass of fresh butter milk.
  3. Before meals drink milk with dates
  4. Put 2 drops of onion juice into each nostril in the morning and evening

Continue this treatment up to 5 days after disappearance of the symptoms.

[/cmsms_toggle][cmsms_toggle title=”H.I.V. “]

  1. Take the juice of 50 Tulasi leaves and add equal quantity of honey and Arka and consume on empty stomach in the morning and similar dose in the evening. Here gau arka must be of pure Indian breed of cows preferably ‘Kapila’, ‘Kamadhenu’ etc. There are no medicinal and immunity powers in the arka of foreign breed like jersey and austine and their cross breeds.
  2. Prepare curds in a silver vessel in the morning and consume it at noon before It becomes sour.
  3. Drink a glass of milk with 1/2 spoon of ‘auyurvedic excel liquid’
  4. Will power and positive attitude are the most important requirement for AIDS patients. They should remain for some time with appropriate Guru and acquire sufficient will power and conviction that they would certainly get cured of this disease. They should practice Yoga, Pranayama and meditation for four hours a day. Kriya Yoga is very effective for them.
  5. Prepare juice of one fistful of 7 days old sprouted wheat and mix it with juice of Doorwa grass and consume it after drinking Arka in the morning. You can add sugar candy, ginger and pepper for taste.
  6. Include, lot of carrots, fbeetroots and raw vegetables in your daily food. .

                What all HIV patients have to remember is that they should consume twice a day soup prepared from the tender leaves of ash gourd, bottle gourd, tulasi, drumstick, Dasavala, guava Doorva, Brahmi, Bilwa, neem. Curry leaves. Bitter gourd,pomegranate, elovira etc. it is found out that there is lot of immunity-power in these. With above go on a diet and medicines .

                If the HIV patients live in the company of native cows by serving them (cleaning, malishing, and feeding, these special vibrations emanated by these native cows will have a certain way for recovery from the disease. Hence it is my request that all HIV infected people may rear with love one native male calf or a native cow. When you surrender fully to the laws of nature and natural life HIV cannot harm you. You too can live like others in the society. Remember that leading a life in tune with nature and with the company of Gow Mata is the only true answer to HIV and we people.

[/cmsms_toggle][cmsms_toggle title=”Insipidus”]

  1. Soak two spoons of Menthe grains in one cup of water over night. Filter the water add 2 spoons of gow arka to it and drink in the morning. Before night meals take 2 spoons of arka along with equal quantity of water.
  2. Before noon lunch eat sprouted Menthe.
  3. Make juice of bottle gourd along with skin by adding ginger, pepper, 10 pudina leaves, 10 tulasi leaves. These juice is to be taken 2 to 3 times.
  4. Before going to bed drink a glass of hot milk with one Spoon of ghee of native cow. Take only natural food including raw carrot, beetroot, radish, goose berry, Nerale fruit and bitter gourd.

                                 This treatment is to be taken for 6 months.

[/cmsms_toggle][cmsms_toggle title=”Dental diseases-BIeeding Gums, Pioria etc. “]

  1. Take one dose of Arka in the morning and evening on empty stomach.
  2. After taking food wash your mouth with water and finally wash with a little gow arka. Then chew one tulasi dhal and neem leaf.
  3. Add turmeric powder and salt to 1 spoon of mustard oil and make a paste to be used as toothpaste.

4. Include in your food, butter milk, cloves, lemon, asa- foetida, onion, and tender coconut.

Try to lead a natural life and continue the treatment for 6 months.

[/cmsms_toggle][cmsms_toggle title=”Irregular menstruation”]

  1. Take one dose of gow arka each in the morning and evening on empty stomach.
  2. After thirty minutes to consume 2 spoon-of Panchagavya.
  3. Put 40 gms of Pepper and 20 gms of jaggary to 1/2- litre of water. Boil it and reduce it to 1/4 litre add a spoon of gau arka and take it twice in a day.

                Always have natural food.

Note:  If one spoon of honey and one spoon of Nerale shoots are taken along with the morning dose of arka, the symptom of excessive white fluid and stomach pain also will reduce. Continue this treatment for 6 months for complete recovery.

                Readers should bear in mind that Arka prepared from the urine 0f cows of Kamadhenu breed (Geer Breed) and Kapila breed (Kabalti-of Malenadu gidda breed), are the best. Arka of mixed breed is less effective and Arka of foreign breed is not much beneficial. Arka available in the market is not classified as per breed. Hence one has to be cautious. For better effect purchase Arka prepared from our Ashram. We have cows of Indian breeds i only such as Kapila, Kamadhenu, Gir &Tarparkar.

[/cmsms_toggle][cmsms_toggle title=”Graving and falling hair”]

  1. Take 1 spoon lemon juice, one spoon cucumber juice, 2 spoon gingily or coconut oil, 1 spoon ghee of native cow, 2 spoons Arka, 2 spoons juice of Aloevera. Mix them well and apply to head, and massage well. Take bath after one hour. Never use soap, use the juice of hibiscus leaves in the place of soap. This will give shining and softness to your hair and their roots will become strong thus reducing falling hair.
  2. Persons who are not susceptible to cold can apply this to their head 2hours before going to bed and sleep after covering the head with a thin cloth. Take bath in the morning without using soap.
  3. Those who get frequent cold have to apply to their head mixture of leaves of red Dasavala with 1 spoon Arka, 1 spoon ghee one spoon alovera juice with lemon juice. Heat this and apply to the head in the night or early morning one hour before bath.
  4. Before retiring to bed, take one spoon of avala powder mixed with one spoon of Arka.
  5. After lunch and dinner sit in Vajrasana and apply mixture as detailed under 3 and massage for 5 to 10 minutes. Yogasanas are very helpful in arresting falling of hair.

1.  a. Surya Namaskar 12 times.

b. Shashankasana 3 minutes.

c. Ardha Sheershasana for 2 minutes or Sheershasana for 1 minute.

d. Sarvangasana or Vipareeta Karani for 3 minutes.

e. Shavasana for 10 minutes

2. Persons doing the above Asanas have to take before sunrise, 10 leaves of garaga, 10 Brahmi, 5 tulasi, 10 garike and one bilwa leaf.

3. These are to be continued for 6 months. Note not to use soap. Always use the mixture explained above.

[/cmsms_toggle][cmsms_toggle title=”Ailments of nose”]

  1. If you are a vegetarian, in the early morning take ‘neti’ of your own morning urine. Neti means taking in from one nostril and leaving out through another nostril. You can get it trained from any yoga or naturopathy clinic.
  2. If you can not do the above, add one spoon arka and a pitch of salt to boiled and cooled water and do neti. Do it regularly.
  3. Take one dose of Arka in the morning for 3 months.
  4. Before sleeping, put one drop of ghee of Kapila or Kamadhenu into each nostril.
  5. Drink one glass of milk with one spoon of ghee.
  6. Take 3 to 4 times a day, bottle gourd juice with 1 spoon Arka and 1 spoon onion juice.
  7. If your nostrils are closed with mucus and it is difficult to breath, the following will give sure relief.
  8. Chop down a big onion into small pieces and spread them in the bottom of a small vessel. Put thin slices of 4-garlic on that. Drench it with 2 or 3 spoons of honey. Add one spoon Gow Arka and close this vessel for 3 hours. Within 3 hours onions will give out lot of juice. Take one Spoon of this mixture keep the vessel by your bedside. If you get breathing problem during night, take one spoon of this liquid. You will get great relief and sound sleep.
  9. Yogasana: Asthama, sinus and nosal problems arise due to the problems in upper lungs. Yogasana and Pranayama are necessary to correct them.

        a. Surya Namaskar—12

        b. Pavana Muktasana- 3 to 5 times

        c. Dhanurasana- 3-5 times (3 minutes)

        d. Shashankasana 3 minutes

        e. Ardha or full Sheershasana – 1 minute

        f. Shavasana 10 minutes.

                i. Pranayama

                ii.Kapalabhati: 3-5 minutes

                iii. Nadi shodhana: 5 Minutes

                iv. Bhastrika 5 minutes or Shaktidarshana Kriya 1& 2.

[/cmsms_toggle][cmsms_toggle title=”Anemia”]

  1. Smash well 2 red Dasavala flowers, one fist full of scrubbed beetroot, tender leaves of red Dasavala, 1 fistful of Garike, 25 Brahmi leave, 2 Bilva Leaves, 5 Tulasi, 5 Garaga leaves, 5 Guava tender leaves, 5 tender drum stick leaves and 5 pudina and obtain 1 cup ofjuice. Add 2 spoons of arka and consume on the empty stomach. For taste you can add pepper and ginger. Have break- fast after half an hour.
  2. . Consume lot of bottle gourds, avala, papaya, carrots, Paalak, better gourd, chayote (seeme Badanekayi), turnip (Navil Kosu) etc.
  3. Take bottle gourd juice at least twice a day. Along with one spoon of Panchagavya.
  4. Include in your daily food dates, Anjur, dry grapes, Menthe leaves. Sugarcane, cashew, cow’s milk, ghee etc .

Continue this for 6 months.

[/cmsms_toggle][cmsms_toggle title=”Dandruff and Lices “]

 One dose of Gow Arka each in the morning.

Add 3 gms of Paccha Karpoora to 100 grams of pure coconut oil.  Add to it 200 grams of gau arka, 100 gms of juice of mehandi leaves and boil the mixture.  Add 2 spoons of ghee of native cow and allow it to cool down.  Daily before goind to bed apply 2 spoon of this medicine to your head and massage well.  Cover your head with a cloth and go to bed.  In the morning while taking bath, wash your head with a paste of Bengal gram powder and lemon.

Do it continuously for a week all the lices will vanish.  For completely getting rid of dandruff continue this threatment for 6 months.

[/cmsms_toggle][cmsms_toggle title=”Fever “]

  1. 20 minutes before food, three times a day, take one spoon of Panchagavya.
  2. Drink plenty of boiled and cooled water.
  3. 30 minutes after meals, twice a day take hot kashaya prepared with 10 tulasi leases, 5 black pepper, a little ginger, a piece of jaggery, Amrutha Balli and ‘Sahadevi’ mixed with 1/2 spoon of Gow Arka. Fever will subside.

[/cmsms_toggle][cmsms_toggle title=”Other diseases”]

Cow arka is very effective in curing the following diseases also.

  1. Urinary problems – Obstruction in smooth urinating,
  2. Kidney stone and gall bladder stone.
  3. Obesity
  4. Diseases of Excretory system
  5. Skrin Diseases
  6. Anemia
  7. Problems to to indigestion.

Dosage:- Morning and evening on empty stomach 2 spoon of arka mixed with equal amount of water.  For taste one  spoon of honey too may be added.

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On the eve of family occasions like gruhapravesha, birthday, weddings, anniversaries, you can donate a day’s food expense for the cows. Gau-mathas will confer their blessings on you and your family
