Desi Cow Vs Exotic Breed of Cattle

- The hump is an exclusive characteristic of the Indian Desi bulls and cows and facilitates them to carry loads without effort, while their exotic counterparts are endowed with straight backs that are not built for carrying loads
- The Indigenous Cattle have a high heat-resistance by virtue of their extensive Dewlaps below the ear, which their foreign counterparts lack.
- The Indian oxen, with an enhanced “horsepower “, cover a 2 km distance in 18.2 minutes and proves their utility in the agricultural field, while the exotic ones have less horsepower and cover the two kilometers only in 19.4 minutes; besides, they are unable to work in the fields
- The expenditure on an Indian Desi cow is only about RS 4500 against that of a foreign cow that needs about RS 7500.
- During its menstrual cycle, the split head of the estrus of an Indian cow is only about 0.7 %, while the foreign cows show 1.33%.
- The Desi breeds have a higher immunity to diseases like Harpies, Parjivi, Thanaila, and the like; their susceptibility being only 24% and only about 9% to the Thilairia disease. Moreover, they contract diseases at a level of about 21% lower than the crossbred cows. The susceptibility of the foreign breeds towards diseases is pegged to around.72%.
- The congenial atmosphere in India helps our cows to tolerate temperatures of 0.4 to 50 degrees centigrade, without any lowering of its milk output, while the exotic cows not only wilt at high temperatures, but also see a drop in their milk output and contract diseases quickly.
- The Desi domestic cows need no special shelter, and will gladly settle down near the dwellings. At high temperatures, their milk output reduces only by about 5-10%, while their foreign counterparts need special shelters in winter, when their lactation decreases as low as about 70-80%.
- Greater immunity of the Desi cows to diseases, ensures that they remain healthy and do not fall sick regularly, saving their owners the travails of unnecessary expenditure, and recording an eighty to ninety percent survival. Their higher globulin and lower Creatinin levels help them naturally to stay healthy. With an inadequate Globulin level and a higher level of Creatinin, the exotic cows are always susceptible to even the small diseases, bringing down their survival rate in the rural areas to as low as about 50%.
- The Desi cows yield a special nutritional quality of milk containing some special active ingredients that keep diseases at bay, and though the exotic cows yield more milk, they are less nutritious and contain a higher percentage of water.
- The calves born to the Desi cows, if they are males, withstand the vagaries of the weather better, and become healthy, robust bullocks that perform a slew of useful activities like drawing water from an underground well, tilling the fields, transporting both produce and people to cities, and even servicing marriage events by chipping in on the transportation of guests. All these activities are now presumably done by tillers, buses and the like that add pollution by way of burning diesel. On the other hand, both the calves, and when they grow up, the bullocks, of the exotic cows are lazy and do not suit the agricultural needs of the farmer.
- There is evidence that the Desi cows leave oxygen in the atmosphere for the benefit of humans, while such evidence is absent in respect of foreign cows.
- By virtue of the fact that the indigenous cows show low vulnerability to tuberculosis, basil and similar diseases, it is safe for humans to interact closely with them without fear of contracting diseases. On the other hand, foreign cows, are vulnerable to diseases like laptospies, micoplasma, and the like,, and those having brusella, tuberculosis, etc., possibly pass it on to humans.
- A combination of cow’s milk, curd, ghee, urine and cow dung form the ingredients for the miraculous “Panchagavya” that is used in preparing diverse Ayurvedic medicines, suitable for treatment of a variety of chronic diseases, but the exotic cows are not endowed with providing medical utility products.
- The Desi cows have a lot of benefits for us, like their milk, their calves and their precious urine and cow-dung that serve multifarious uses. They also do not require hormone inoculations like the poisonous Oxytoxin. The foreign origin cows are raised exclusively for milk, and are inoculated with Oxytoxin, when their milk yield decreases. Such milk contains traces of these poisonous substances, and is not safe for human consumption.
- The assortment of microscopic organisms that live in the cow dung of the indigenous cow function a probiotic protection against the harmful effects of the ultraviolet rays of the sun, and the local people convert the cow dung into flattened round cakes and paste them on the walls of their houses, to escape radiation. There is no evidence of this in the case of the foreign cows.
- People believe that, not only will diseases like tuberculosis in humans, disappear by virtue of sleeping in the vicinity of the Desi cows, but it also induces a sense of mental balance. Sleeping near exotic breeds may risk your contracting diseases from them.
- The odorless cow dung of the Desi cows is a result of their feeding on green grass, and hence ideal for medicinal applications, while the foreign cows eat grain for fodder and their odorous cow dung is devoid of medicinal properties.
- Indigenous breed’s cow dung is an excellent remedy against the cholera virus, while the dung of the exotic cows cannot boast of such benefits.
- The indigenous cows remain healthy under difficult atmospheric conditions, without any adverse effects on their productivity, and the interesting fact is that they can conceive even under adverse environments and hostile weather. The exotic breeds, on the other hand, cannot withstand adverse conditions, resulting in falling productivity, increasing mortality and difficulty in the process of conceiving.