Cow Urine Composition

Admittedly, you are extremely curious about what the distillate of cow’s urine contains! After all, even modern healthcare practitioners are emphasising upon the goodness of gou-mutra and its splendidly positive impact on acute and chronic diseases.
Well, if we were to analyse the contents of cow’s urine, we would find several vitamins, specific minerals, enzymes, lactose, other minerals, gold acids and hormones. Each has a unique function to perform within the human body.
Sl No. | Ingredient/Element | Function of Ingredient/Element |
1. | Vitamins A,B,C,D,E | Provide energy, strengthen bones and power of reproduction, reduce nervousness and alleviate thirst. |
2. | Sodium (Na) | Prevents hyperacidity and balances electrolyte levels in blood. |
3. | Potassium (K) | Enhances appetite (appetizer), reduces muscle fatigue and lethargy, and cures hereditary rheumatism. |
4. | Phosphate (PO4) | Flushes out stones, if any, obstructing the urinary tract. |
5. | Salt (NaCl) | Reduces acidic contents in bloodstream and counteracts actions of harmful microbes. |
6. | Calcium (Ca) | Strengthens bones and teeth. |
7. | Manganese (Mn) | Germicide and prevents ill-effects of gangrene (if any). |
8. | Ammonia (NH3) | Stabilization of airs, bile and mucous. Maintenance of integrity of blood tissue and other body tissues. |
9. | Nitrogen (N) | Removes toxins and other foreign bodies from blood. It is a diuretic that promotes healthy functioning of kidneys and urinary tract system. |
10. | Sulphur (S) | Blood purifier, which also enhances bowel movement via intestinal peristalsis. |
11. | Iron (Fe) | Responsible for production of red blood cells and Hemoglobin. Provides energy for work. |
12. | Copper (Cu) | Prevents uncontrolled deposition of fats. |
13. | Creatinine | Strong anti-microbial agent. |
14. | Urea (CO(NH2)2) | A strong anti-microbial agent obtained via protein metabolism, it ensures good urine formation and removal. |
15. | Uric Acid (C5H4N4O3) | An anti-microbial agent and diuretic, which prevents infections and inflammations by destroying toxins, uric acid also prevents abnormal swelling of the heart. |
16. | Carbolic Acid (HCOOH) | Germicide and prevents ill-effects of gangrene (if any). |
17. | Hipuric Acid (CgNgNox) | Removes poisonous substances through urine. |
18. | Other Minerals | Enhance overall immunity. |
19. | Aurum Hydroxide (AuOH) | Germicide, antibiotic and anti-toxic agent, for increasing immunity. |
20. | Enzymes | Improve digestion and immunity. |
21. | Water (H2O) | Elixir of life, which ensures the fluidity of blood and regulation of body temperature. |
22. | Lactose (C6H12O6) | Strengthens the heart, nervous system and oral cavity. Reduces thirst and enhances satiety. |
23. | Allantoin | Heals tumours and wounds. |
24. | Phenols | Act against harmful fungi and bacteria. |
25. | Anti-Cancer Substances | Prevent the multiplication of cancer cells. |
26. | Gonadotropin | Promotes sperm production and healthy menstrual cycle. |
27. | Colony Stimulating Factor | Promotes cell division and multiplication. |
28. | Erythropoietin Stimulating Factor | Improves production of red blood cells. |
29. | Enzyme Urokinase | Improves blood circulation, dissolves blood clots and prevents worsening of heart disease. |
30. | Kallikrein | The release of Kallidin lowers blood pressure by expanding the peripheral veins. |
On a final note, if you can obtain urine from a cow, which is eight months pregnant, you may consider yourself lucky. The urine comprises of wonderfully nutrient-rich hormones.