Gaushala guided by Guruji Devbaba fosters spiritual growth, caring for 200+ cows.
Monthly Mrityunjaya Homa at Surabhivana Gaushala ensures well-being, shielding from life's obstacles.
Donate now, to provide shelter, food, and a better life for vulnerable cows.
Mrityunjaya Homa is a traditional fire ritual performed with deep reverence, devotion, and precision. It is a timeless practice rooted in the wisdom of Sanatan Dharma, with the ultimate goal of conquering the fear of death and embracing the fullness of life. The Sanskrit word Mrityunjaya translates to Victory over Death, signifying its significance in bestowing protection and vitality to those who participate.
During the Mrityunjaya Homa, sacred chants, mantras, and offerings are made into the consecrated fire. This divine fire symbolizes the universal energy and invokes the blessings of Lord Shiva, the Lord of Immortality. The vibrations generated through these rituals are believed to purify the surroundings, the participants, and their intentions, fostering an environment of positivity and growth.
Participants of the Mrityunjaya Homa often report a sense of peace, increased clarity of thought, and a profound spiritual connection. The ritual is known for its protective qualities, shielding individuals from negative influences and promoting overall well being, not only at the spiritual level but also in physical and mental dimensions.
Your contributions directly support the care and feeding of our sacred cows. When you donate, you’re not just giving money; you’re making a big, positive difference. Your contribution helps take care of our precious cows. Imagine being out in the world with no one to care for you that’s the situation many cows face. They’re homeless and often hungry, even eating harmful plastic. Your donation ensures they have food, shelter, and a chance at a better life.
Cows, revered as symbols of purity and motherhood in Indian culture, often endure unimaginable suffering in various parts of the world. Modern practices such as factory farming, illegal slaughter, and neglect have led to widespread cruelty towards these gentle creatures. Many cows are subjected to brutal treatment, including overcrowded transportation, lack of access to food and water, and unregulated slaughterhouses. Cows are often abandoned or left to roam the streets, facing dangers such as accidents, starvation, and abuse. It is our responsibility to acknowledge these issues and take action to protect them.
The presence of these sacred cows and the pure environment of Surabhivana amplifies the Homa's impact, promoting physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual health.
Participating in the Mrityunjaya Homa at Surabhivana creates a harmonious connection between you and these divine creatures, deepening your spiritual experience.
This ritual is not just a practice but a living tradition, building a deep connection with our roots and the Universal Mother, the Cow.
After donating, please fill out a form post-donation to complete your registration.
Secure your participation by donating to Surabhivana.
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